Chapter 10

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I ran after Hiro as fast as I could until I saw that he was out of my sight. I looked everywhere trying to find him but he just vanished. Where could he have gone?, I thought to myself. I ran and ran but there was still no sign of Hiro. So then I decided to take a rest along the side of a building on the corner of the street. I rested my head in my arms and felt like crying. Why am I feeling like this? I shouldn't be crying, I want revenge on Hiro.

My mind was going left and right trying to think things through when suddenly, I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me in the ally way. "What the--mmph!". I tried to shout but then I felt a cloth over my mouth and nose. There was an extremely strong scent to it. I then began to feel very dizzy and uneasy, Oh no, I thought and then everything went black.

(Something new Lol)
Hiro's POV:

I ran away as fast as I could until I knew that I was away from (y/n). I then stopped and turned around to see that she wasn't behind me. "That girl thinks she can tell me what I can and can't do like I'm some dog on a leash." (See what I did there? Lol) I kicked down a trash bin in anger and punched the wall. The pain rose up from my knuckles to my arm. I sat down and looked to the sky. What am I doing wrong Tadashi? Please tell me, I thought sighing and hitting my head on the wall. I waited for (y/n) to come crying my name and rushing to me, but that didn't happen. She probably gave up looking. Why would she even want to be looking for me, when I treated her so badly and all. I clenched my fists, I then went in search of her. Perhaps she went back to the café.

I rushed there as quickly as I could, but she wasn't there either. No one was there, I guess everyone went home from being here too long. I then went back outside and ran some more to search for her. I was then out of breath, I sat against a building and the corner of the street. Then something caught my eye, it was (y/n)'s golden watch that I had gotten for her. I picked it up and noticed she wasn't here anymore.

Where could she have gone?, I thought. I walked around and then saw and white cloth and picked it up. I quickly took a whiff of it and coughed. "Ugh, it's *cough* chloroform *cough*." I realized that (y/n) was now in danger, and there was only one thing to do about it.

I ran back to Lucky Cat Cafe and went to (y/n)'s room and activated Baymax. He then inflated, "Baymax, we need to be quick, (y/n) has been captured. We went into the garage and suited up. Hold on (y/n), I'm coming, I thought jumping onto Baymax's back and turning on his thrusters and zooming into the sky.

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Hey guys, so what did you think of the chapter, Oh and the picture at th fee front is the view me and my family had when we were in Florida. Doesn't the ocean look amazing! Anyway, I'll be updating soon. Talk to you guys later. PEACE!!

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