Chapter 22

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This is the end for me I guess, I thought to myself shutting my eyes. Just as Nicholas was about to pull the trigger. CRASH!! I heard the sound of the window breaking and I turned around to see Hiro, Wendy, and Yumi. I thought i had told them not to follow me! I thought. They quickly jumped him and tied him up. "Oh come on guys, you're no fun. You have to come at the wrong time.", Nicholas said laughing while struggling in the ropes. I got up and rubbed my cheek from where he hit me with the gun. I walk over to Nicholas and slap him across the face.

The slap echoed around the room and Nicholas was frozen with shock. Then he turned his face and looked at me. I then kneeled down and said, "I know what it's like to be hurt and see people you love turned into something that you never thought they would turn out to be." I reached over and put him in my arms, holding him close to me. He just sat there, possibly shocked from what was going on. I continued, "About 6 months ago, I had my eyes set on killing Hiro, but then he came back. He knew what he did was wrong and he made the wrong decision." I was thinking about my words wisely because all of what I might say, he might not agree. His father is in jail for crying out loud. I let him go from my arms and looked him straight in the eyes. "What my point is Nicholas is that, you need to let go of the past and just move on foward. If you don't, then you will just end up like I would've ended up. Or worse, you would perhaps be behind bars." Nicholas's eyes were puffy and red because he was crying. I wiped his tears and he held me tight. He may be older than me, but I know he has a good heart, I thought hugging him in return. I stroked his hair and then he finally spoke, "I-i will..change, I p-promise that I will..change for good." He said stuttering his words but being able to get them out. I smiled and then said, "I'm glad Nicholas." Then I helped him up and we took him outside. We didn't call the cops since he didn't cause that much damage. It could be repaired easily. Nobody was hurt either so he won't go to jail for murder. I told Wendy and Yumi to take care of Nicholas and they lead him to Baymax and put him on his back. I turned to Hiro, who was looking at me with a goofy grin on his face. I've always missed that smile. He walked over to me and took my hand, "(Y/N), you handled that pretty well, I never should've doubted you.", he said smiling. I smiled back and then asked, "What about the others? What do you think that they will say?"

Hiro just chuckled and said, "I guess they're just gonna have to deal with it." I laughed and then gazed into Hiro's brown eyes. (Or whatever color they are XD) and then he came closer and I closed my eyes as soon as he placed his lips on mine. His lips were full and completely divine. He unlocked our lips and I took a breath out. "(Y/N), I love you very much. And I want us to be back together. This time, it will be a right relationship.", he said blushing. I felt the excitement overcome me. I lunged to him and said happily, "Yes! I will. I still love you too Hiro.", I said. He laughed and we kissed once again, our lips connecting just like our hearts were once again.

> 5 months later <

"Quick, we need to hurry, he's going to home any moment.", I said rushing everybody to their places. We all hid and we heard Hiro open the door and we all jumped out, "SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIRO!!", we shouted. Hiro jumped and then started laughing. He thanked everyone and pulled me into a kiss. Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wassabi were all there too. They had realized what they had done was wrong, so they apologized and joined back into the group. And Yumi and Wendy also stayed in the group also. I'm not gonna forget that even Nicholas was there too taking a break from doing community service. Aunt Cass took out the cake, and we sang 'Happy Birthday' and he blew out all 15 candles. We cheered and then enjoyed the delicious cake. Then I had gotten Hiro a present, even though he didn't ask for any I still got him one. In was is a nice blue box with a yellow ribbon around it. He opens the box and his mouth dropped, "You got me a 'Create you own mini robot kit?", he asked. I could tell he was very excited because he was wanting to open it so badly. But that wasn't the real present though, I then handed him brand new armor for both him and Baymax, new and improved. He eyes gleamed with happiness and he gave me a great big hug and then said, "Thanks so much (Y/N), this is the second best gift you have given me." Second? I looked at him confused, "Well, what's the first best gift Hiro,", I asked. Then as I finished with my question, Hiro pulled me into a hug and said, "Having you right next to me is by far the #1 gift I've gotten in my entire life."

I smiled and kissed him and I did have to agree with him. This was perhaps, the best beginning of a new life together.

♡♡♡The End♡♡♡

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Well that's all folks, XD. Hey guys, I really hope you enjoyed this story and will remember it forever because this is the end...........the end of the story I mean. So yeah, but like I said before with my last one, this doesn't mean that I'm going to stop making stories. I will never stop doing what I love to do most. But guess what, to all of you H2O Delirious fans out there better get ready. Because my next story is going to be a Delirious X Reader story. And I hope you enjoy that one. So yeah, that's all I really have to say. Again, thank you guys so very very much for all that support you gave me with this story and I will talk to you all later. PEACE!!

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