Chapter 19

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"My scanning senses detect that Callaghan is close to the docks.", Baymax said. We flew through the sky straight to the docks. Then when we got there, we landed on the ground and kept as quiet as we could so he couldn't hear us. Hiro and Baymax led the way followed by me, Wendy and Yumi. I pulled out my sword and listened for any sudden movements.
Then all was quiet, I looked at Hiro and he looked at me. Wendy and Yumi both looked around. I gestured Hiro to go right and for Wendy and Yumi to go left and I would take the front. They all nodded and walked away. I slowly walked over to the dock and still found no sign of Callaghan. Nothing but water and the huge box carts on the docks. Then I heard something and I turned around as quickly as possible but saw nothing there. Turning back around to face the ocean, I saw a kabuki mask right in front of me. I gasped and fell backward, he walked towards me and I raised my sword and told him to stay back.

"Just here me out (y/n).", the kabuki masked man told me. I glared at him and said, "I'm not interested in anything you have to say Callaghan." He sighed and took off his mask, although it wasn't Callaghan. It was a different guy, that looked about 15 or 16. "If your not Callaghan, then who are you.", I asked staring at him. He walked towards me but I kept my sword facing him. "Callaghan is still in jail but I wasn't there when he was arrested. I was away with my mother and when I had found out that he was being put in jail, I immediately went back." I put down my sword, he explained more that he went to the jail he was at and Callaghan had given him the black cloak and mask and told him all of what had happened and to take his place and defeat Hiro for him. I raised up my sword in defense, "Why would you want to help Callaghan though?", I asked. His face became more serious, "It's because your friend Hiro got my father arrested." I was shocked by the words and then Hiro, Wendy and Yumi showed up. Hiro glared, "Who the hell are you?" The boy looked at him and chuckled, "I'm not who you think I'm supposed to be."

Baymax looked and him and them said, my scanning senses tell me that his name is Nicholas Callaghan,
Age: 16

Blood type: O positive

Realtives: His sister Abigail Callaghan, his mother Susan Callaghan, and his father, Robert Callaghan.

Hiro looked at Baymax and asked if he was scanning him properly. But he want lying, this was his son!

Hiro's POV:

This is impossible! Callaghan never had a son. I only remember him having a daughter.

"(Y/N), is he really Callaghan's son? You were here this whole time, you must know.", I said walking towards her. She slightly nodded, "He's not lying Hiro." I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing. It doesn't matter, he must be stopped, I thought.

I got up and faced Nicholas, "We will defeat you Nicholas, even though you are his father. It doesn't matter."

(Y/N)'s POV:

Hiro said that Nicholas was going to get for what he had done and I agreed. I also got up and raised my sword and Wendy had her headband ready and Yumi with her gloves. Hiro went over to Baymax and was ready also.

Nicholas was ready, he put his mask back on, pulled out his new and improved guns and kept an eye on all of us. That's just what I wanted. "Wendy! Now!", Hiro yelled and she ran up and dropped the smoke bomb in front of his face.

"What the--", is all I heard him say when it became all cloudy.

(New POV!)

Nicholas's POV:

Hiro had yelled at the girl in the red to come after me. She didn't have any weapons, what was she gonna do? My question was answered when I saw she took a little smoke bomb in her hand and dropped it to the ground.

"What the--!", I said before everything was completely clouded up.

I squinted but couldn't see anything at all. Then when the smoke cleared up, I saw a bunch of clones! What kind of trickery is this? I thought. They all charged towards me and I kept dodging and weeving. Think Nicholas think, there must be something the real person has that the clones don't have. I looked at all the clones and then saw that only one had a headband on her head. "Got ya!", I yelled and took one of my guns and shot it at her.

"Uggh!", the girl yelled and fell to the ground.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Wendy!!", I shouted as I ran towards her. Although she wasn't bleeding. "What did you do to her?!", I asked Nicholas who was standing on top of one of the box carts. "You like my new play toy?", he asked holding it up for show.

"It's a standard gun that can do a ton of damage. One hit and the opponent is paralyzed.", Nicholas said sounding proud of his work.

I tried to move her but he raised his finger, "Ah-ah, one move from the spot she's in and the paralysis will become worse." I glared at him, "You monster..", I said. But inside, I was really terrified. This was gonna be harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought.

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Ok a few thing, one: school starts for me tomorrow.
Two: I know that Callaghan doesn't really have a son, I'm just making it up.
And Three: I don't actually know Callaghan's wife's name.

So if any of you guys have a problem with how I do my stuff, please leave. But any of you guys that enjoyed this chapter thanks so much. We are so close to 2k reads. I'm so excited! But thanks for everything guys and I will talk to you all later. PEACE!!

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