Chapter 3

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We made our way out of Sanfransokyo mall and I held back my tears. That was awful, just awful. Hiro was just sitting there counting the money that he had collected. " You know (y/n), you could have been a bit swifter about distracting that woman.", "I'm sorry, but I was just sad that we had to take it from that woman." Hiro stopped counting and looked at me. "Are you kidding me? You're gonna do this now?" I then felt as though he thought that I did this every time we did this. I got up and looked in the distance. "It's just not right Hiro. I mean what's your purpose for doing all of this?" Then I muttered to myself, "Tadashi would have helped you a long time ago." Hiro then heard it and grabbed me by the collar and slapped me. My eyes widened as I clutched my burning red cheek. He looked at me with rage and then said, "I told you not to speak of him anymore (y/n)." I never knew why he didn't but it made me mad that he never told me. "Why not, why won't you tell me what happened to Tadashi? Why do you shut me out with that situation?" Hiro then pushed me against the wall and held a knife to my throat. "You really want to know what happened to him?" I was then terrified at this point. I tried to get him away from me but his strength was unbelievable. I don't want to die, but I want to know what happened also. "Well do you?! I don't have all day (y/n)!", Hiro yelled. I shook my head in response and he let me go dropping me to the floor. I felt like I was about to cry. Until I felt something take my chin and bring my face up. It was Hiro's hand, "You know what (y/n), I can't do this anymore." My eyes filled with shocked, "What are you saying?", "I just feel as though every time I go out to do something, you just have to bring your guiltiness along with you!" I felt my heart just sink even further than it was with that woman. Hiro just waved his hand in the air and said, "I'm done (y/n), I'm done. That's it, we're over. I can't have you holding me back on things I like to do." I started crying at the point and then he said, "I'm sorry (y/n), we're over." He grabbed his stuff and walked out leaving the door open behind him. I just watched him walk in the light of the sun and that was it, he was gone.
Hey guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry I didn't upload it sooner. I was having a hard time getting it all together. But anyway hope you like it buh bye. PEACE!!!

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