Chapter 12

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Hiro's POV:

Baymax and I scanned the whole town but there was still no sign of (y/n). " Baymax, are you sure that we searched everywhere?" I asked. We landed on the Golden Gate Bridge and I got off of Baymax's back. "My scanning senses cannot detect any signs of (y/n)." I felt dicouraged and I clenched my fist and looked around the town.

Then I suddenly remembered, Baymax's scanner only scans people from Sanfransokyo.

But (y/n) is from America. No wonder it didn't work. "Baymax, switch your scanning settings to American. " I heard the whirring of his scanner. Then he turned his head around the town and pointed, "My scanning signs that (y/n) is in that building." I looked and saw that it saw in the same building where I found my mircobots. "Let's go Baymax.", I said getting on top of his back. We flew quickly through the sky to the building.

(Y/N) POV:

"What do you want revenge on Hiro for?", I asked. He untied my hands and then walked foward. " He ruined my plans to get revenge on someone else that had pushed me to the limit. I nearly lost a family member from it."
I then looked at my hand and closed it. " I know how that feels.", I said silently so he couldn't hear. Apparently he did hear me, " Then you can help me."

My eyes widened, "Huh?", " We can work together to end Hiro once and for all.", he said taking my hand.This could be my chance to finally get my revenge on Hiro. But then I remembered all the things we did together.

"I refuse." I said, roughly taking my hand out of his grip. He stood straight which made him more taller than he originally was. He then raised his hand and slapped me across the face. The impact was so hard, it knocked me to the ground. " How dare you refuse an offer from me? Who do you think you're dealing with?", he yelled at me. I kept staring at the ground and said nothing. He got mad and pulled me by my hair. "Ahh!!", I yelped in pain and held my head.

He brought me close to his face and whispered, "You should accept, we wouldn't want anything to happen to the city, or your precious Hiro for the matter. I felt my blood boil and I punched him in the gut ( like a boss XD ) and ran up the stairs to escape.

He chased after me but I was slightly quicker, but the place was dark and I couldn't find an opening for me to get out. But then I saw a light from an open window. I climbed though and I was almost out until, BANG!! I felt a sharp pain in my side and I fell out of the building and hit hard on the ground. I then quickly crawled into some bushes to hide. The kabuki masked guy busted through the door and yelled my name. He couldn't find me so he gave up and ran off.

" Ugggghh!!", I groaned in pain and held my bleeding side. I felt extremely weak and tried to move but dropped and passed out. Everything went black.

Hiro's POV:

Baymax and I were close to where (y/n) was. I then saw something in the bushes. " Baymax, land down there.", I said pointing downward. We landed on the ground and I got off his back and to my shock, it was (y/n)!!

"(Y/N)!!", I yelled reaching and pulling her into my arms. I felt her neck, she's alive but she's unconscious. I saw her side, "Baymax, let's go." I said looking up at him. He picked us up and zoomed into the sky. Who did this? I won't forgive them! I thought holding onto (y/n). We flew home as quickly as possible through the evening sky.

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Hey guys, here's the next update. Sorry it took so long. For some reason, the auto save didn't save all of my work and it only showed half. So I had to go and rewrite where it was. But when I tried to publish it, it wouldn't publish. DX. So I had to delete the part and rewrite the whole chapter again! XD

Ugh I was so freaking frustrated, but anyways I got it done. And I hope you guys enjoy it. Talk to you guys later. PEACE!!

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