A Potato Sleepover

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A/N: Lightning Smolder is not dating in this one, m'kay?? (Yet...*ominous laughter*) Thanks for reading!

"I AM READY, POTATOES!" Rudy shouted, bursting through the front door and tossing his sleeping bag to one side.

Mini sighed. Aru grinned.

Tonight was the Potatoes' first official sleepover. Aru was so excited. She had never been to a sleepover before (ahem, no it is NOT important that she'd never been invited to one, ahem) and she was striving to make this one perfect.

However, that was all ruined by Nikita...

"Alright," she said as soon as everyone had arrived, "Let's play some party games!"

Nikita, apparently, had made a whole to-do list, which Aru was banned from looking at. While the rest of the Potatoes (minus Aiden, he had no interest) were huddled around the list giggling and looking over at Aru, Aru glared daggers at them and tried to rip up the piece of paper with her mind.

"M'kay," Brynne finally announced, "Let's play Truth or Dare!" Aiden and Aru groaned.

"Truth or Dare is so boring," Aru groaned. Aiden said nothing, but his face was tomato red. Brynne raised an eyebrow and looked the two up and down.

"Let's make it interesting then. Aru, Truth or Dare?" Aru jumped up and clapped her hands.

"Dare! Dare!" she shouted.

"Aru, I Dare you to..." Brynne's gaze traveled around the Potatoes before settling on Aiden. "I Dare you to kiss Aiden." Aru's face turned to flames and she pointedly refused to look at Wifey.

"Brynne, haven't you heard of the no-kissing rule?" Mini said. "Kissing spreads germs. You could get mono and die."

"Besides, Aru's already dating Bert," Sheela snickered.

"Who's Bert?" asked Aiden.

"It's a long story," Aru promised. "The point is, Mini says no. Different Dare." Brynne shrugged.

"Fine then. I Dare you and Aiden to get locked up in a closet together." Aiden threw his hands up.

"Hold on, Brynne. I never -" It was too late. Brynne touched her choker and Gogo sprang into mace form. A gust of wind blew Aru and Aiden into the coat closet hard. Brynne locked the door behind them.

"Urghhhh," Aru groaned. Her cheek was smashed into Aiden's chest and an umbrella was poking into her hip like it was a knife. She and Aiden sat up and started looking around awkwardly.

"So..." Aru said. "Wanna play rock-paper-scissors?" Aiden rolled his eyes and turned away from her. His face was Swedish Fish red, and he was sweating a little.

"Just go away, Shah," he muttered. Aru raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, Wifey, but we're locked in a closet together. I can't exactly go away."

Aiden sighed. "Sorry, Shah. I'm just a little on edge because BRYNNE LOCKED US IN A CLOSET!" he shouted. Snickers were heard. "Brynne, stop standing outside the door and listening! Let us out already!"

"No can do," Brynne laughed. "This is too good to be true."

Aiden sighed and sat down, leaning against the wall. Aru sat down next to him. 'Ugh," she groaned, as the zipper from a coat smacked her in the face. "Not fun, huh?" Aiden turned away from her.

"You have no idea, Shah." Aru frowned.

"Okay, if you hate me or something, you can just tell me, Aiden." Aiden spun around and his eyes were wide.

"No, Shah, it's not like -"

"I get it, Aiden. You just don't want to spend time with me, and that's fine. Plenty of people hate me - kids at school. Demons. Yellow Starburst. Even my dad..." her voice choked. She didn't want Aiden to hate her too - he was her Wifey. Aiden ran his fingers through his hair.

"Aru..." he leaned in so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. He closed the gap and kissed her softly...just a quick kiss, but to Aru, it lasted forever. He pulled away, blushing hard. Aru reached her hand up and brushed her lips.

"You...you just..." Aiden ducked his head.

"I'm sorry, Aru, I -" Aru silenced his words with another kiss. Their mouths fit perfectly together, as they might have lifetimes earlier.

A flash of light illuminated their dark prison.

Brynne was standing in the open closet doorway, surrounded by the rest of the Potatoes. Cell phones were raised high in victory, recording the momentous occasion.

Aru and Aiden sprung themselves away from each other. Brynne cackled evilly.

"Wifey and Shah, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G...oh wait... A CLOSET BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Aru and Aiden looked at each other. Vajra sprang to life on Aru's wrist. Aiden held out his scimitars. He pecked her cheek. "Light 'em up, Shah."

Brynne and the rest of the Potatoes were later found by Aru's mom, locked in the coat closet, their clothes singed.

Aru and Aiden cuddled together the whole night eating Swedish Fish.

A/N: Frickety frackety, this is long. Let me know if you want me to do a Part 2, I really liked this one!!!

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