Aiden is Officially Better Than Laundry

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"Shah, where are you?" Aiden's voice rang through the museum. "Aru? Your mom told me to keep an eye on you while she's gone." He ran up the stairs and found her bedroom door closed. Light streamed out from under the door.

He knocked. "Aru? Can I come in?" and was answered with the sound of something hitting the door. He flung the door open wide, only to be smacked in the face with the counterpart of what had hit the door - a fluffy Spider-Man slipper.

He saw Aru lying face down on her bed. She was buried in a pile of laundry. Aiden gingerly peeled a bra, still warm from the dryer, off of her face. "Uh, Shah? What are you doing?" She snatched the bra from him and buried her head even farther into the pile. "Nothing, Wifey."

(Does anyone else do this when they have cramps? Y'know, hide under something warm? I find laundry or blankets perfect.)

Aiden sat on the edge of the bed. "Aru, are you crying?" Her eyes, peeping out at him from behind a T-shirt, were rimmed with red.

"No," came her muffled reply. "Well..." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Aiden scooted closer and put his arms around her, and she buried her head in his shoulder. "Sorry," she whispered.

"Don't be sorry," he murmured. "What's up?" Aru slid back, wiping her tears away. Aiden pressed his forehead to hers. "It's my cramps," she explained. "They suck. They're not usually this bad, but sometimes when I'm super stressed they flare up."

Aiden looked at her more closely. She was tense and trembling. Vajra crackled around her wrist. He slid his arm around her waist.

"I'm sorry, Shah."

"Sorry about what? That you haven't gotten me pregnant? Please. You have nothing to be sorry for." He laughed.

"Well, then, what do you wanna do? The day's yours. We could watch a movie. And I promise I won't comment on the cinematography this time." Aru smirked.

"ONLY if we watch Lord of the Rings," she said. Aiden sighed. "For the twenty-sixth time? Shah, I expected as much."

They went downstairs and put on the Lord of the Rings. Aiden laid on the couch, with Aru resting on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her waist and the warmth of his hands eased the pinpricks in her stomach.

"Thanks, Wifey," Aru murmured. "You're officially better than laundry."

Aiden laughed and watched her slowly fall asleep.

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