"You're A Bug, Shah?"

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Suggested by sleep-can-wait. Next oneshot by yours truly! Feel free to suggest by commenting or PMing me!

I'm so sorry y'all had to wait this long, some stuff was going on so I wasn't able to write :(

(Also, this is kinda unrelated, but the next chapter of Daughter of Water and Wise is coming out soon. I decided not to cancel it. Just wanted to hype it up a little)

Aiden laughed as he watched his girlfriend stumble around, tugging at the blindfold that restricted her vision. "This isn't funny," she huffed, and he laughed, grabbing her hand. "Just come with me, Shah."

He led her down the grassy field. "Take off the blindfold, Shah," he whispered softly, and smiled when her eyes flew open wide once she took the silky blindfold off.

"Aiden, it's gorgeous!" Underneath a weeping willow tree, Aiden had set up a small picnic. Goodies and pastries (including, of course, Swedish Fish) were spread out on a midnight-black blanket. Dusk was arriving fast, and the lightning bugs were out, twinkling like fairy lights amongst the tree's branches.

The couple laid down on the blanket and watched the lightning bugs. "You know, because these are lightning bugs, that means I command them," Aru said. Aiden laughed. "You're a bug, Shah?" She shoved his shoulder and they fell into silence, staring at the stars that dotted the inky sky, shining brightly.

"I wonder if any of the gods are up there," Aru whispered reverently. Aiden smiled.

"I'm sure Urvashi is watching us right now," he said, gently placing his hand over hers. Aru rolled her eyes. "She does love a good show." They leaned in and locked lips as a shimmering shooting star pierced the sky.


Urvashi looked down at the young couple and giggled, clapping her hands. "They're so cute, Subala!" she squealed in excitement. "Oh my gosh, I'm such a fangirl, but they're so perfect!"

Boo rolled his eyes, ruffling his feathers. "I guess so. As long as this doesn't distract from their studies! And they buy me double the Oreos."

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