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A/N: I know this oneshot idea is kind of overused and I didn't want to dedicate a whole chapter to it but I really wanted to do it, with my own touches. Here it is! Be on the lookout for a Valentine's Day special coming out tomorrow!!!!! <3

Lately, Aru had been feeling kind of sick. She was coughing frequently, and nothing had come of it...until now.

Early on Valentine's Day, Aru felt a deep ache in her chest. She coughed once and a singular flower petal escaped from her parted lips and came to rest gently in her palm.

"Oh no," she said in a hoarse voice. "What is this?"

She ran to Mini, her resident expert on all things medical. She coughed a few times and showed Mini the vibrant pink petals. Mini took one and rubbed it between the tips of her fingers. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Aru...you have Hanaki."

"What's that?"

"Aru, do you have a crush on anyone?" Aru felt fire rise to her cheeks. None of the Potatoes knew about her huge crush on one of their members, Aiden. "Uh, no." Mini raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Well, obviously you do. Hanaki occurs when the person you love doesn't love you back. A vine is squeezing around your heart, Aru. The petals will become more and more withered unless you tell them you love them or you get a surgery. If you don't do either...you'll die."

"Uh, well, obviously let's just get the surgery done and prune this bad boy vine to nonexistence," Aru said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. If Aiden didn't like her, who did he like? Kara?

"Aru, that's not how it works. When you get the surgery done, you forget the person you loved and will never be able to fall in love again." Aru's blood froze in her veins, replacing the fire that had burned her cheeks. She couldn't lose Aiden.

She coughed one more time and accepted the flower petal that Mini pressed into her shaking hands. Her sister kissed her gently on the cheek and told her to take her time deciding.

Aru roamed the museum, coughing more and more. The petals in her hands became more and more shriveled up. Finally, she leaned against the railing on the stairway, sinking to the ground, coughing uncontrollably.

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Aiden's number. "Wifey..." she croaked, and coughed more. Her clothes and hair were covered in dried pink petals, enclosing her like a tomb.

"Shah?" She heard Aiden's panicked voice on the other side of the line. "Shah, are you okay? I'm coming over." He hung up and Aru waited for the door to open. It flew open barely seconds later, and Aiden rushed to her side. He clutched her hands, staring in horror at the flower petals.

"Aru, you have Hanaki...tell me who gave this to you, I'll make him pay!" Aru shuddered. She couldn't tell Aiden. She didn't want to ruin something that could have been great between him and Kara.

"Aiden..." She whispered and sighed as she slumped into his chest. She died staring into his soulful eyes.

"ARU!" Aiden yelled, his eyes spilling over with fat tears. He cried over her until her body dissolved into thousands of plump pink Hanaki petals. He pressed one to his lips, vowing to always remember her.

At the funeral

Aiden kissed the mahogany coffin engraved with a lightning bolt. "You have my love, Shah," he whispered, not caring who heard him.

It was Mini who heard him.

"It was you, wasn't it?" she said bitterly. "You were the one that didn't love her back." Aiden's eyes widened. "No... she loved me?" Mini turned away from him, and Aiden got the message: it was all his fault.

No matter what happened, he knew that he would always love the crazy, wild girl. Who was prophesized to be the death of him, which is why he refused to love her.

But who died in his arms.

By his doing.

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