My Leg Isn't Burned, Only Dead

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Suggested by BooksForLife39 (PM me if you have a suggestion! <3)

Also, this has nothing to do with the oneshot Burned. Totally different fire demons. :)

Next oneshot will be by HereComesDaSun22.

Aru's leg was on fire. Literally.

She screamed and tried to bat the flames out. Aiden ran over to her and wrapped his jacket around the white-hot orange flickers, smothering it. Aru muttered a curse and flipped the fire-breathing demon off, who Brynne knocked out cold with Gogo. Within seconds, he had evaporated into dust.

Aru slumped over, and Aiden caught her before she fell to the ground. She was very aware of his warm hands pressing into her back and the weight of his knee as he laid her head on his lap. 

She breathed out heavily. Her leg throbbed. "It's fine. I can get up," she said, trembling as her leg gave a spasm. She could feel the material of her pants sticking to her burned calf and thigh, and every movement felt like a layer of skin was being violently torn off.

Brynne and Mini were battling the last three fire demons as Aiden held Aru in his arms and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. It felt like she was going to pass out, the pain was so intense. 

"It's going to be okay, Shah. We'll fix you right up. You're going to be fine. You're going to be able to fight. You're going to be strong." She closed her eyes and listened to his words. If there was anyone she trusted, it was Aiden.

Her sisters finished up, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake, and rushed over to Aru. Their eyes widened as they took in the severity of her leg, something which Aru refused to look at. "How bad is it?" she asked them, keeping her eyes aimed upwards, firmly staring at the bottom of Aiden's chin as he leaned over to look at her leg. He winced. "On a scale of one to ten, what would you rate your pain, Shah?"

"Peachy, Baymax. Just peachy. Let's go home now." Mini looked at Aru, taking her pulse. 

"I dunno, Aru, it's a pretty long walk. And I don't think-" 

"I can do it." She struggled to her feet, brushing off Aiden's attempts to help her, and regretting it when she collapsed into his arms. He held her firm and strong. "Argh, Wifey, just help me like you want," she grumbled.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and the three of them headed down the sidewalk. Luckily, it was midnight and no one was on the streets to see four bedraggled teenagers, one with a badly burned leg, stumbling down the street like they were drunk.

They still had a mile to go when Aru's bad leg began to give out. First it was a stumble, then a trip then a fall. Aiden glanced at her, then the others. "Shah, are you sure you want to-" 

"Yes. I'm fine," Aru snipped, cursing when she tripped again. Finally, Aiden had had enough and he scooped her into his arms bridal-style. Mini and Brynne snickered while Aiden glared at them and Aru was tempted to glare at Aiden was nice to not be walking on her injured leg. And it was cold outside, and he was kind of warm...and she was so tired...

She buried her head against his shoulder and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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