|| 𝐉 𝐎 𝐔 𝐑 𝐍 𝐄 𝐘 || 5

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"Get up you lazy ass!!!"

"10 minutes more jihoon. "

his made a poker face hearing her 10 minutes more. From the past 35 minutes he is trying to wake her up but she is saying 10 minutes more 10 minutes more.

"look y/n I'm giving you a last warning if you didn't wake up then I'll throw a full jug of icey water on your face...."

*still no response*

He left her room and entered in the kitchen. He take some ice cube and pour into the jug with full of water .

Then he entered in her pretty sister's room. He pour all the water on her face.

She gasped and immediately sat on her bed.

"you.. Such a piece of shit!!! How dare you to spell water on my face!!!!!!!!"

She yell at her brother. He showed his tongue. she get of from the bed and run behind him to caught him. But he is fast enough to leave.

|| 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ||

Like always the both are eating their breakfast peacefully. But time to time y/n passing him a death glare.

Grandma noticed her and ask,

"did you do something again jihoon?"

She asked in suspicious tone.

"i-i was j-just trying to wake her up"

He answered.

"What!! What did you just said.!!! Grandma he is lying!!! He pour ice water on my face"

"liar you are lying!!!"

"no you"


They shut their mouth and start eating peacefully.

|| 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ||

"come down y/niee I'm getting late for my lecture"

"yeah I'm here why are you screaming."

"look at time???im getting late"

"fine let's go" y/n said.

|| 𝐀𝐭 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ||

The reach at their college. Y/n said goodbye to his brother but then suddenly someone pulled her toward him.

Seeing him make her face bright. He hugged her.

She hug him back.

"I missed you so much senorita" he said while breaking the hug. Y/n smiled at him after hearing a nickname for her from his mouth.

She peak on his hand. He pout and said

"I want a kiss directly on my lips"

He said in seductive tone. She hit his arm playfully.

"we should go to our respective classes."

Y/n want to change the topic he nooded and left y/n also follow the path of her class.

When she entered in class teacher blast a bomb on her.

"okay everyone I'm going to announce the name of the student who is going to participate in the test"

She said and opened the file which kept on the dice.

"What type of test teacher"

One of student ask in respective manner.

"ohh I forgot to tell you that,the businessman Kim Seokjin take a test of your class and the person who will get higher marks, he will teach that student in his personal time but now he changed the contract. He select one student from every class and take an interview of all of them the one who gives him all the answers correct he teaches him/her in his personal time and give them a fully funded scholarship till your university level. "

All the class nooded their head.

" and the student is y/n who is selected by Mr. Kim "

" whhhoo y/n do your best!!!!"

Her classmates cheer her up but she is sitting on her desk dumbfounded.

'what did just happened a few while ago'

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑐𝒉 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Y/n don't have apitte. She is walking in the hall way zone out thinking about her condition, she felt something strange going to happened in her life.

Y/n is in her deep thoughts when she saw his brother who is coming towards her. She is already stressed out about something. So, y/n don't have enough energy to argue with him.

She rolled her eyes and change her way. Jihoon find something strange in her behavior he called her. But she start running and yell.

"jihoon I'm not in the mood to argue with someone so please leave me alone for some time."

She almost beg him.

He understand her leave her. But he want to ask her what happened to her. He is ficklest.


She is in the back garden of the school sitting on the bench try to sense what should do now.

She felt someone presence behind her.

Y/n turned around to face the person who is behind her.

She saw---


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