|| 𝐉 𝐎 𝐔 𝐑 𝐍 𝐄 𝐘 || 14

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"I'm your fiance." she felt like the world had just slipped beneath her foot. Fiance, a beautiful word. But for her it disgust her. Realization hired her when she looked at his face clearly. Same person whom she rescued 3 months ago.

"You can't be my fiance." her gaze never left his figure. As if she was capturing him in her memory. Her words added fuel to rage. First she pushed him, now she is denying his ownership. exhaling a deep breath in the air he closed his eyes, in order to calm his inner beast.

"Fortunately I'm." his words came out like ice. She is looking so tempting to his sinful eyes. How long did he have to wait?

"nothing has just been decided yet. Maybe you misunderstood the letter which your father wrote." his eyes darken, her stubbornness raged him even more. The more he is trying to control his inner monster the more she is awakening him. He can't tolerate anymore. He had to leave or else he was gonna do something that he might regret later.

He walk out from the door opening it,

"Make yourself ready and accept the fate of love. I won't ever disobey my father, nor I'm going to disobey him now, because of your mere stubbornness. I never thought that our second meeting would be like that." she heard his words. She felt bad too after talking to him in a rude way. But the fact that is killing her is hurt by her behavior. An unknown tear escaped from her eyes.

Sudden appearance of his father's last wish and now her encounter with him. It upset her. All she wants now, is to hug someone and let all the pain out.

Feeling her throat dry she looked at the nightstand from the water. She didn't bother to clean her messed up face that has tear stains.

She got out of bed wearing her slippers and headed to the door. But before she opened the door, her vision got blurry and she felt her head heavy. With a loud thud she collapses on the floor.

Jin went outside but suddenly a call came,he furiously picked it up and yelled at the person taking out his rage. "What on earth had just happened that you called knowing damn well that I'm busy right now." he spat at Mr Han who was just listening without saying anything. "I'm sorry young master bus miss Minsi had just arrived and asking for you----g" Jin disconnected the call when he heard a noise of falling something from y/n's room he hurriedly rushed into her ward only to see the little figure laying on the floor lifelessly. He took her in his arms and made her lay comfortably on the stretcher comfortably shouting doctor name. 

Hearing his shouting a nurse came running. "she fainted where were you at the time when she COLLAPSED ON THE GROUND!!!!!!?" he growled taking his steps towards her making her back away in fear but her fear increased when he gripped her hair. A little scream left from her lips and she said.

"I-I'm so-sorry young m-master!!" words slipped from her mouth she again screamed when he tightened his grip around her hairs. 

"Just fuck it...i want a doctor in her room 24/7 till she recovered properly, don't get off from her head even for a single second in my absence or else I won't think twice before setting the whole hospital on fire understood." he warned her in return she wobble her head in yes. He pushed her on the ground harshly before banging the door. 

A furious sigh left from his lips. He exhales deeply before pressing the elevator button of his penthouse. He was deadly serious, the thoughts of her pushing him triggered him. He was talking to her nicely but she had the guts to push him.

The door opened with a ting sound he stepped out taking big steps towards his office but before he held the door knob he heard a pitch familiar voice.

"Kim it's rude not to greet your guests." he turned to look at the most annoying creature whom he loathed. He roamed his tongue inside his mouth before sliding his hands inside his pockets.

"What brings you here Minsi." he spat looking into her, reading her playfully eyes he understood that her sudden arrival at his penthouse will bring a new chaos or may be a half triumph of his war. Smirking a little she added more excitement by just a name. 

"Cha Soobin." Smirking a little she takes a step forward to him. Lifting her hand a little on order to touch his collar button but her hands halted when he grabbed her wrist, 

"don't you dare Minsi!!!" he yelled a little, jerking her hand away. She closes her eyes feeling humiliated at his action.

"Just bark whatever you wanted to say." he spat never ever in her life someone insulted her so much but she tolerates him cuz he is her possession. 

"It's a surprise Kim but, in return I want something else." She again took a step forward to him, decreasing the distance between each other. 

"What do you want?" He emphasized every word looking into her playful eyes to be honest he is noticing her every seductive move which he didn't find amazing. 

"I want a night with you, a night full of pleasure." she said looking in eyes searching for an answer but in return a bloody grin appeared on his lips making her confused. 

"just say it already that you want to get fuck by me."


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