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Atmosphere was getting hot between them. Soobin broke the Hungry yet passionate kiss joining head with each other

"it's wrong! Don't you think." Jisoo said making him smile at her hesitate behavior. Kissing her lips again he smiles and said.

"I respect your every decision."

"thanks." she said while hugging his wast making him huged back.

"for what?"

"for making my life again colorful." her voice has regret, betrayal for his love one.

"lets forgot about everything, we are going to start our new life." he patted her head, broking the warm hug between them.

"I do believe you more than anyone. Just, never break my trust."

An annoying ringtone break the most romantic moments between them. Jisoo growl and pick the phone from wooden table.

'Mr Han'

"Mr Han why is he calling me at this hours?" Jisoo said looking at soobin,

"pick up may be, it's urgent." Jisoo rolled her eyes while cutting the call.

"why?" soobin whine a little looking at her making her glare at him.

What does he think that she gonna pick the call? Of Mr Han.

"leave it."


Sun was shining brightly as the hot rays of tropical sun was entering in the vvvIP room of hospital. seokjin was laying unconscious on bed. Nurse and doctor are examining his condition.

"Mr Han is there something that you are hiding from us." doctor turn toward Han,

"I already told you Dr. Choi when I came last night to stay there,i saw him laying in bad condition, it's up to your staff who didn't looked after the patient and blaming other for this matter."

"Mr Han I understand but still it's important to know, what happened to him last night that may lead him to this condition." Mr Han stayed still, looking directly into Dr. Choi eyes making his confidence faded away. Dr. Choi sigh in defeat and said,

"he would get into coma, if his condition again get change like this. Make sure he didn't take any stress."

"sure Dr. Choi....." Mr Han took a step near him standing close to him, he went near his ear and whisper in his ear.

"Dr choi, just don't tell anyone about this matter or else you know how much young master is strict about his private life."

Saying that Mr Han corrected the colar of Dr choi and smiled. Witnessing this nurse got curious and wanted to poke her nose in their matter, but Mr Han's side glare was enough to make her halted on her thoughts.

Doctor choi left,making Mr. Han sigh in annoyance. He looked back where Seokjin was laying lifeless on bed. To honest he wanted to pity on him.

But, is he worthy for pity?



Y/n passed a shy smile at Kai making her brother annoyed.

"you both literally like to test my patience!!" Jihoon yelled in pure jealous making the lovely couple chuckle.

"so what? you are behaving like a fan girl of Kai." y/n said crossing her arms on her chest making his brother rolled his eyes.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. || Jin ||Where stories live. Discover now