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Room give a dark aura, and his presence add more darkness in the room. All black and no hope of life. He was sitting with legs crossed and all focused on the shining screen of his pc. His hands moves with the rhythm of keyboard. The clicking sound of the keypad disturbed with an annoying sound of door knocking. Man growled a little finding disturbance during his work time. 

"Come in." he spelled out from his vocals, door open and his most trusted yet the royal manager of Kim mansion came inside, closing the door, and then bowing with a respective manner. 

Seokjin didn't lift his gaze, his eyes were only glued to the screen. "Good morning young master!" Han greeted him in return he only heard a humming. Han came forward near his table. He placed the file on the table near Seokjin. Seokjin's gaze disturbed and his hands halted on the keyboard. He looked up and saw Han standing waiting for his young master to finish his work so that he could tell him about his work. 

Seokjin took a deep breath before cracking his neck and hands, he looked at Han with his jet black eyes. "What is it Mr Han?" he said looking at the file. He took it opening and read the title, he sighs before smashing it slightly on the table. 

"I'm sick from this shit now, do something about Go and his family." he growled out telling Mr Han. "Young masters Miss Minsi said if you do as she said then she's gonna collaborate on their next project with us. Not only this, she's gonna give you the real footage of Soobin." Seokjin exhales a deep breath before resting his head on the chair board. He closed his eyes, sighing heavily. 

"book a room for tonight and send me the location." he said getting up from the chair picking up the file. Han looked at his figure then something clicked inside his brain. 

"Young master......Miss Jisoo after tomorrow is her wedding." Jin growled out loud. He looked at Han with his dark gaze, "I'll try to close this chapter as soon as possible. Just focus on the work I give and make sure to catch the culprit who caused all the mess with the park family." 

"as you say young Master." 


Weather was romantic, the sweet music echoed in the lounge, they were cuddling on the sofa. Soobin was playing with her hair as she was closing feeling a soothing sensation. He peaked her lips making her giggle. "Just a few days more and you will be Cha from Kim." Soobin said, looking at her.

 "I'm also impatient for our special day."This time Jisoo speaks looking at him. He smiles before hugging her tightly in his embrace. "Jisoo, do you still trust Seokjin?" he asked. Jisoo wobbles her head in 'no'. "I don't trust him anymore." 

"He is your brother, your protector, your shield." Soobin said. 

"No, I don't want to talk about this matter anymore. We are going to start our new life, the day I left Kim mansion I left everything behind."


"You can go now, why are you standing there?" y/n yelled at the nurse who was standing there like statue making her annoyed as fuck. "I can't Miss Park. We have orders from our department to stay there for you 24/7. 

"Fine you got orders but at least give us a little space." This time Jihoon spat looking directly into the nurse's eyes. She looked away sighing before nodding her head. "fine but only for 20 minutes." Jihoon got up from the couch and sat beside her sister. 

"You're feeling okay punk." he said checking her temperature. Y/n jerk his hand away before rolling her eyes at him. 

"I'm fine, it's just I want to get discharged from the hospital. I felt like a prisoner there." her eye's turned a little glossy. Then she continued "I want to go to school and continue my studies. My Home teacher will be mad at me because I didn't attend the college for the past 9 days." she sniffed as her little nose turned red. 

Jihoon smiled at her sister and ruffled her hair, she looked at him with her cute puppy eyes, "stop crying you dumb ass I promise today is your last day at this jail. And I'll make sure to redecorate your home jail." he kissed her hair. A little smile appears on y/n face but it turns into sadness. 

Jihoon noticed the change in her behaviour and she never let her smile fade away like that he asked her "Is there something bothering you?"

Y/n bit her lower lip before continuing, "oppa grandma is forcing me." and then she burst into tears. Jihoon looked at her in disbelief. "w-what? She is pressuring you to marry Kim?" He wanted to know and confirm everything before taking stand for his sister. 

"Today she came. I asked her if she sent him to meet me." She took a deep breath before continuing but Jihoon spoke before her. 

"meet who?" he asked with confusion written all over his face. Y/n looked at him with her red face that had tear stains on her cheeks.

"Kim—" she was about to call his name but paused because she isn't familiar with his full name. 

"Kim seokjin??!" he confirmed y/n nodded in agreement. 

"Why did he come? Did he threaten you?!!!!" He speaks out loud with rage visible in his voice. 

"n-no but he said I'm his fiancee." that's it he lost his temper. He got up y/n flinched with his sudden action. "he should have to stay within his limits, you are not his fiancé,nor you are going to be!!"

" I don't want to get married, grandma said she will talk to him to get him the final date of engagement." Jihoon looked at her with his angry gaze. 

"No one will be going to force you y/n you are not even in your 20s yet how can she do this I can't believe grandma is doing this all." Jihoon yelled not so loud but enough to show that he is pissed off and angry at lame things. 

"oppa I don't want to marry anyone I want to achieve my dreams I can't marry him." y/n burst into tears as Jihoon hugged her, caressing her back in a gentle way to try to calm her down. 

"shh no is forcing you y/n I won't let this happen trust me, it's just a little thing. I'll handle this matter, you just give the statement to the officer then you will be discharged and continue your college." he consoled her in a gentle way hugging her little figure. 

He is little but he had the responsibility of his family which he had to fill. Jihoon, a young 20 year old boy is strong enough to handle his family and their matters. His soft little sister park y/n, and his grandmother Mrs park sooyoon. 


After 2 or may be three month sorry butterflies. 

I won't update next till it reaches  9.5k views please do sport me and share my profile 


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Or else Oli London will hunt you in your dreams. 

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