|| 𝐉 𝐎 𝐔 𝐑 𝐍 𝐄 𝐘 || 7

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After that incident he left the club angrily. Mr. Go saw him he was about to ask him 'what happened' but he already left. Mr. Go sigh heavily he entered in the room where he left his daughter.

He saw his daughter sitting on the floor clenching the piece of glass in her hands.

Mr. Go hurriedly snatched the piece of glass from Minsi's hand and threw away.

Minsi's eyes were burning with anger.

"Minsi did he sign those papers?"

Her father asked in desperate tone not caring about her daughter hand which is still bleeding.

She glare at her father and said in disrespect manner.

"Dad he rejected me inslut me. But, still you are caring about his property."

She said in deep voice.

"What do mean he rejects you?"

"leave it dad. The game which he starts, is going to end very soon by me."

His father nodded his head,knowing her daughter game.

𝐈𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚

Seokjin entered in parking area, in his drunk state.

He opened the door of his expensive and sit on the driving seat.

'she got so much gut, I think I had to correct her brain on her right place."

He thought and place the keys in the switch and start the engine.


𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆


" COMMING!!!!!"

Y/n shout from upstairs.

She run toward the door and open it. She smiled brightly when she saw her brother. Along with his sweet boyfriend. But her smile is no longer when she saw her brother glaring eyes.

Jihoon pushed her from the entrance and step in the house. She mouthed Kai.

'what happened.'

He said.

'we fucked up.'

And that's the when she want to vanished in the air. Y/n don't want to eliciting her relationship. Until they both can't archive their goals.

Y/n took a deep breath and came in the living room where her brother and Kai was sitting on coach.

Y/n glup so hard seeing his brother glaring eyes.

She decide to break the awkward seclience. So she decides to speak.

"umm..... How are you Kashif."

She said hesitate.

Kai look up and said in nervous tone.


She nervously smiled at his and and turn to take her leave but then his brother said.

"stop right here y/n."

Jihoon said frimly. She stop her her track. Waiting him to continue his lecture.

"why the hell you both did not tell me about your relationship!!!!!!"

He yell making her flinched so badly.

Seeing her scared face, jihoon and Kai.

Start to laugh loudly. Making her confused. Kai was laying on the couch main while jihoon is sitting on the floor.

Her confused face turn into angry one when she understood the situation.

She start to throw everything on his brother which comes in her hand. She threw a flower vase on him. But Kai is enough fast to grab it.

"What the hell is going on there." grandma yell from upstairs.

She comes down to the stairs and stand in front of them.

(I don't want to write dialogue 😭)

Their grandmother asked them to clean the living room and told them to buy those things which they broke.

Grandma gave the duty of cleaning the room to jihoon.

On the street.

Both were holding each other hands. Then suddenly Kai called her (y/n).



She gave him response in hummed.

"jihoon loves you. I'm I right?"

Ym smiled and nodded her head.

"but you him more than me?"

Kai said in sad tone while hanging low his head. Y/n look at his face and said said.

" yes but I love you both equally. *smile* he is my heart but you are my soul. And a person can't live without his heart and soul."

She smiled brightly. They both stop walking and then kai lean toward her lips for a kiss.



Theeir sweet moment got pause by the devil's plan.

Y/n hurriedly de attached her hand from kai's and run in the direction of car.

A black Ferrari collided with a truck.


I left the parking area. I was on the main road while driving my car in normal speed. You know why.

then I saw two love birds holding each other hand. But my blood start to boli when I saw that she was my y/n.

That motherfucker, urggg I really want to kill him.


He was in his thoughts then he saw a truck coming toward his car. An evil idea pop into his sharp brain..

'im sorry my angel but I can't wait anymore to see you.'

And then he increase the speed of his car. And it collide with that truck.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. || Jin ||Where stories live. Discover now