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People says everything is fair in love and war. But he doesn't love her, he is freaking obsessed with her. His obsession at first sight did not had any boundaries. For him it's his love but, for y/n it is her soon to be nightmare.

Just by seeing her with other man, his blood started to boil. His obsessive monster let control over him.

"y/niie lets go home it's none of our business. He is fine."

"stop it kai can't you see no one came here yet, not a single person came to see him, still do you think we should let him leave here. C'mon stop being an asshole!!" y/n yelled in annoyance it has been 1 1/4 hours doctor is treating him. He is out of danger but still he got a lot of injuries.

" fine! Stay here."

Beep beep beep!!

The only sound that could be heard in this room. There seokjin was laying unconscious. many wires are attached with him. Few bruises were also present on his face along the white first aid bandage around his head.

He opened his eyes slowly trying to adjust the light. Instead of detti getting shocked a sick smile appeared on his face, a sinster grin.

Few seconds later when he was lost in his own thoughts, he heard the door unlocking sound. unknowingly it makes him awake from his day dreaming.

He side eyed to the door saw a girl closing carefully try not to make any sound. She turned around making his heart beat irregular that can clearly shown in acg machine.

She came closer to him making a safe distance between each other.

"umm are you okay Mr." she asked. After his first encounter with her, its his second time seeing her that close to him.

If he was not on the bed breaking his own legs for a silly reason then he would surely devoured that little soul by, tearing her innocence in his brutal ways.

"f-fine." his voice came out like a wishper struggle can clearly be seen his eyes.

anesthesia is showing his effect making it difficult for him to gain his fully conscious. Y/n was about to say something but her words halted by the door opening sound revealing Kai with a worried face. Seokjin curse Kai in his mind. Y/n smiled a little at seokjin and introduced him to Kai.

"I'm y/n Park y/n and he is hyunjin Kai my boyfriend...."


"don't talk too much you are already tired. Actually I'm here to tell you that we are going. And about your relatives nurse already called them. Hope, you get well soon." she said and intertwined her hands with Kai. In return Kai gives her a smile making the 3rd person burnt in jealously.

He wanted to rip her a part. To tie her with bed and fvcked the shit of her till she forgot about everyone.

They left.

His rage is about to hit the sky. Seokjin clenched his jaws while full force and fisted his hand in order to erase his anger....

"AgHHHHHHHHH!!" his dark growling voices enchoed in the room he didn't care about his wound he that are bleeding. He didn't care about himself any more he just want her. Want to her his only his.

The more she is getting close to Kai the more he get impatient to want her.

"we are here!" y/n yelled from door while taking off her sneakers and place them on rack. Jihoon saw her and came near her.

"where is Kai? He was supposed to spend his night here."

"he was busy after dropping me off here he left."
She explained to him about Kai.

"how was the person who get into accident?"y/n let out a furious sigh and give his brother a side glare.

" stop it Jihoon I'm tired can't you see it's 11pm. " Jihoon rolled his eyes at his own sister's Barty behavior.

" I'm going to sleep your dinner has kept in kitchen go fresh up till I warm it up." he said being emotionless and was about to leave when he heard.

"thank you Jihoon." y/n muttered and left. Jihoon smiled a little.

Stars are glittering at night making the sky looks more beautiful. Fragrance of fresh roses were scattered in balcony with a slow romantic music were playing in the background.

"you love it right." Soobin said breaking the soothing silentNess.

"hmm." jisoo hummed in response while playing his collar button.

"Jisoo!" he called out her name breaking the warm hug.

"What happened Soobin?" jisoo frowned her brows in confusion.

"I want you to get married. I don't know but my heart wants to its felt like being girlfriend and boyfriend is a weak relationship, I want you fully mine."

Today he let all his words, a tear rolled down from Jisoo eye. How much he loves her. wish her brother also loves her. But he always gives her sorrows and misery.

" forget about past let's start a new chapter, kim Jisoo in which there will be only one topic. Just u and me. "

'forgot it Jisoo if a new life is waiting for you then leave everything behind you.' her mind said.

And she listened it.

"I do. I'm ready to start a new life with you."

"really?" Soobin Wishper a little making Jisoo nodded so in 'yes'.

His breathes were on her face as his gaze went on her lips inviting him to kiss them passionately. He again looked into her eyes asking for permission, she closed her eyes leaning a bit closer to him. And placed her soft lips on his.

And that's when their hot passionate kiss started.


Hey guys hope you all are doing well.

Don't forget to vote or comment. I'm thinking of finishing this book till Feb.

SO I want your support

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1000 words
Publishing or editing timing

Friday December 7

11:46 pm

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. || Jin ||Where stories live. Discover now