||𝐉 𝐎 𝐔 𝐑 𝐍 𝐄 𝐘 || 6

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Y/n turn to face that person,
And he is


She sigh in relief.

"What happened? y/n are you okay?"

Kai asked her in worried tone. Make her heart feel like heaven. She loves,

His care,

His possessiveness,

His affection,

Y/n was admiring him. He smiled and said,

"uff my senorita our whole life is enough to feel each other. Now, tell me that why you are so sad."

Kai said playfully.

"nothing Kai I'm scared."

He frown his browes and said.

"from whom you are scared?"

He said in possessive manner. Y/n find him so cute but possessive at the same time in her matter. She chuckle and said.

"my possessive boyfriend, I was just scared because of those exams."


He asked confused.

"huh? You don't know?"


"the entry test exams. Mr. Kim is the one who will teach us and pay our school dues."

Kai made and 'o' face while nodding his head.

But he did not feel good about these scholarships.

The question is 'why?'

How can he feel good about those scholarships when his own life is going to ruine their life.

𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑤𝒉𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐾𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑎

A man is sitting on the leather sofa while a girl is sitting on his lap. She Try to kiss him but is he fast enough to grab her neck and pushed her so harshly on the floor.

"What the heck what's wrong with you Minsi."

the person growled in annoyance and stood up to take his leave. He is half drunk. The strong smell of forbidden drink coming from his mouth.

The girl also stood up from the floor and held his arm try to stop him to leave.

"please don't go. I love you. I fucking lo----"

Her sentence got cutted when he threw the full bottle of forbidden liquid. Which shattered in the whole room of the club. Some of pieces were cut her skin . The girl scream a little due to sharp pain.

But, he didn't give a fuck to her. He hate her nature. Although she is beautiful but she is the pure definition of a slut.

He pick up his black lather jacket. And left the room while banging the door with full force the girl flinched so badly.

She is none other than


And the man is


Yes Kim seokjin.

Want to know why he is like that?

Hmm.so, he don't like girls. Because in his point of view, all the girls are sluts. They throw herself on rich boys because of their money, lifestyle, luxuries and vice versa.

But his point of view got changed when he meet her.

Her? Who?


He knows every single thing about her.

Her suffered to her dream.

Her like to dislike.

Her favorite color to her favorite dish.

Her favorite animal to her favorite place.

He knows every single thing about her.


Her boyfriend.

He still thought that he is her brother. After alot confabing to his inner self he convinced himself that the person was just is just her brother.


Today I had a meeting in xxx club with Mr. Go. But, unfortunately her clingy daughter also here. I hate her.

seriously every time she throw her self on me.

If she do something like last time then I swear, I won't hesitate to choke her neck in front of everyone.

"ohh hello Mr. Kim how's it going?"

"fine Mr. Go"

I said in my usual cold tone.

"oh come on Mr. Kim be easy with us after all we are businesses partners for the past 4 years."

And that's the point where he switch on my anger button.

"let's get on the point Mr. Go I don't have much time to waste on these useless things. *Glare*"

UFF that bitch is getting on my nerves.

"why so hurry Mr. Kim first have a drink. Then we can continue our discussion."

"OK fine."

We ordered a bottle of red wine.

But I don't know after drinking the one glass my vision started to get blurry.

After a lot of struggle I finally done my meeting but there's was some papers which I have to sign. But I can't.

"Mr. Go sorry to say but I can't sign those papers today. I will read them carefully then I'll sign them."

"umm a. O-OK Mr. Kim a-as you wish."

Why is he shuttering. Something is fishy.

(something is very very fishy hannnn~

Hehe sorry for disturbing carry on)

"i should take my leave now Mr. Go."

I was about to stand up but Mr.Go offer me for a drink.

They left the room because of an important call.

Now, there's no on in that room expect me and that bitch. I ignored her like she is invisible. And take a sip of red wine from the transparent glass.

But then I felt like someone was sitting on my lap I lift my gaze up and saw.


She was about to kiss me I closed my eyes too. But then realization hit me that she isn't my y/n.

I immediately held her neck and throw her on the the floor.

Seriously if she is not the daughter of my business partner then I am sure killed her.

She said 'I love you' how many times she confess to me. But today she crossed al the limits of my calmness.

I threw the full bottle of wine on the floor. And it broke into 100 of pieces she scream a little because of pain.


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. || Jin ||Where stories live. Discover now