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Seokjin entered in the elevator pressing the bottom of 37th floor. he waited for his destination. Suddenly a notification popped into his phone. He unlocked the phone by pressing few buttons reading the message a grin appeared on his lips.

'step by step, I'm comming closer to you, my dear girl.'

The door get opened by a ting sound. he stepped out from elevator, gaining the attention of anchors. Within a second they all stood in front of him asking questions per questions. Without giving a single fvck to all he, made his way toward his cabin .

A relief sigh left from his lips.

Making his way toward his chair he took off his expensive blazer. He sits on his chair picking up few files from Table, started to examine them. A card caught his attention making him frowning in confusion.

Without thinking twice he took it and unwrap it carelessly.

"What the fvck is it?!!!!" he yelling in pure anger banging his fist on glass table with full force. Few seconds later he, heard a knock on door. He hissed a little being annoyed.

"come in!!" a lady step in the cabin making him pass a sharp glare to her before throwing the card in her direction.

"What is this shit Miss wang?!!WHO THE HECK ON EARTH GIVE YOU THIS!!!!" he roars making the girl flinched.

"s-sir miss Jisoo came yesterday she asked me t-to give y-you the card." he was glaring into her soul making it difficult for her to speak professionally.

"when did she come?" he said trying his best not to burst out on her.

"a-around 4pm." she said thinking a little making his anger more and more higher.

"STILL YOU DIDN'T BOUGHTER TO INFORM ME MISS WANG.!!!!" His veins pop up from his neck and his eyes are getting blood shoot red.

How can his little sister is getting married to a boy whom he hate from the core of his heart?

"fucking leave from here!!" he yelled sitting on the chair massaging his forehead.

He got up from chair after calming himself a little. He took his blazer and slammed the door behind him with full force.

"how much money you want Mr.chu?"
Mr Han said opening the suitcase that is filled with many korean won.

"50 million will be enough, right." Mr. Chu looked at the suit case blankly. To show his loyalty with Park family he should say 'no' to money.


Money can buy anything. Anyone's pride,anyone's dignity, anyone's loyalty


But just in one case.

If they were forced to do it.

"I can't accept this money from you, just stop tortureing my family. leave them!"

"I can't Mr Kim has specially told me to take care of you. And that's upto you, which way you want....." Mr. Han said said, Probably getting done with Mr. Chu's drama.

"......either with money, or blood *slammed*if you won't accept the money then prepared the funeral of your love one. Right after 1 hour you gona heard a knock on your door, opening the door you shall see 3 dead bodies of your love one's." Mr. Han got up from couch while taking the suit case.

A silent cry left from Mr. Chu mouth while punching his thight aggressively he shut his eyes.

" I'm ready!!! " Mr Han turn to face him, witnessing his miserable condition. Han pity him internally.

Her her misery has just began.

Begin with the false vastness.

He pushed the car breaks with full force, causing the car halted near a 3rd class apartment building. Opening the door he came out with his full attitude. Taking of his expensive goggles he glanced at the building, before stepping into the building.

Checking the time on his expensive watch he waited for his turn.

Suddenly a fimilar figure catch his attention.

Anger rush though his vein witnessing the man with his sister.

He had to control himself. For making a new plan.

Taking his big steps towards her sister he reached near Jisoo.

He stood infront bolcking their way. Soobin eyes got widened looking at him. Shocked
glitter in his eyes. Jisoo condition was the same but there is one thing that is missing from her eyes.


Fear of being a fool from his vexing plans.

She know him, how bitchy egoistic he is, after all she is his blood related sister.


"What! I already invite you on my wedding. As a known strangers." she said, trying to brave infront of his face. As well as he knew she is scared and upset.

"wanna hug me!" he said spreading his arm. Attacking on her weaknesses.

"Too late Mr. Kim I don't want any type of comfort from you." she said ready to leave.

"I'm sorry Jisoo!" he said sitting on his knees joining his hands in front of her sister. Soobin was looking that the whole drama,

Kim seokjin is sitting on his knees asking for forgiveness.

"I-I can't bear anymore. That house hunt me everyday. being alone there felt like a hell." manipulation is his hobbies. His charm and fake tears were enough to make jisoo weak. Bringing fake in his eyes he looked at her, pleading! Succeeding in his plan,

Jisoo ran towards him. Embracing him in warm hug. Soobin looked at the whole drama. Should he need to cry, as well as he knew seokjin didn't came here to apologize. He come to make her life again miserable. His egoistic behavior had long gone infron of Jisoo but for soobin it's just a beinging of new chaos.


Y/N was rolling on bed texting someone. Soobin was sitting on study table preparing his exams.

"y/n will you stop, it's annoying." whining a little he turn to face y/n. She glare at him.

"I gave you my study table but not my room. So, I can do whatever I want if you're getting disturb then leave, simple!"

"com'on you already got scholarship from Rjs groups. Don't you need to study!"


Simply no.

"punk." he whispered to himself again trying to focus on his studies.

"Jihoon! Dear would you like to some downstairs!!!" he huffed being annoyed,

Why no one can let me study peacefully!?

"comming!" he said shutting his books y/n chuckles at him, making him glare at her.

"you called----mr. Chu!!" he halted between his words gaining grandma's attention.

"sit!" grandma said tapping the space beside her on couch. Mr. Chu was looking down, before opening his case he said.

"hope you won't regard." that's when he open the case taking a letter that looked old.

Jihoon was confused as well as grandma.


I'm sick guys. So if there would any mistakes plz ignore gonna re-edit my whole book again.

Plz do votes and comments, it's support me

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