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"IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE HE MUST BE LYING!!!!" Male utter in pure frustration, he can't believe what he just heard. But the truth is the truth, if it is bitter or not.

"Kai trust me,I don't want y/n to get to know about this matter,but we don't have any choice." Jihoon pleaded with him, he was on the verge of crying. Grandma was just sitting listening to their talks.

She can't deny the fact but for her it is true. His clever mind plays hidden tricks. He is such a hoe.

" Kai listen to me---"

" I'll talk to him by myself HE DON'T DESERVE HER SHE IS MY GIRL!! aren't you the one who threatened me not to make her cry, then WHY ARE YOU MAKING HER LIFE UPSIDE DOWN THAT WIL SHATTERED HER DREAMS!!!" Kai screams from the top of his lungs. He fell down on the couch covering his face which has tears stains.

" You are doing this because he can provide her a luxurious life, but I don't have anything except a small house with one room. that's why you chose him over me." Jihoon heard Kai saying this. After a few moments of silence they heard a loud voice falling.

He got up on the couch and rushed into y/n's room, where he saw something that scared the shit of him.


Room was drowned in dark, a little source of a lamp that was placed on the nightstand.

He was lying sitting on a couch , separating his legs. He was half naked as his perfect toned body was clearly in sight in that dark room.

After having a high climax his breaths were uneven. Sweat was falling down from his jawline to his neck.

His eyes were closed because of the sensation of mixed pain and pleasure.

He was babbling something in his mouth while breathing heavily.

"argh~" he can't control himself anymore, he needed a high climax to get rid of his lower pain.

The intense of viagra started to do his work

"y/n~a-ah~ you a-are driving m-me crazy.."

"umg~ I swear to God if I ge-get you I'll make you horny l-like you made me."

His hands were slowly unzipping his jeans. After a few moments the room was filled with his moans and growled.

|| 11 : 58 Pm ||

Y/n was laying on bed as a drip was attached through wire to her body, she was still unconscious. It has been 2 and a half hours since she is laying lifeless in bed.

Everyone is crying except Kai. He was right, what he had to give y/n a good life, just a small old house that was left by his mother.

And a typical waiter job at a wedding hall.

He can't even pay her hospital dues, so how can his brother and grands give her hand to a jobless person?

All these thoughts were running like horses in his head.

He took his step back then another one. Like that he left halfway through the hospital. Leaving her all alone,

Without meeting her

Without wishing her good bye for the last time,

All this credit goes to Kim freaking Seokjin.


Seokjin entered the hallway of the hospital covering his face with a mask. He doesn't want anyone to know about this.

But the surprise that he is planning will ruin her and her happy life.

he entered inside her ward room where his eyes caught her pitted figure. Next moment he heard a male voice from behind.

"What are you doing here, aren't you satisfied by sending her to this condition or you wanted her to die----" Jihoon's words halted when Seokjin turned to him and held him by his neck.

"she is my fiance I don't give a fuck to your shit brother-in-law because your opinion doesn't matter to me, your grandmother is convinced about our marriage so, your freaking advice did had a single impact on me." he jerked his body away making his toward y/n.

Few minutes ago he was fuming with anger because someone had just disturbed him during sexual activity. But the moment he received the call it made him on cloud nine.

" Remember Seokjin!! My sister is not a toy. She is a human. I don't give her a hand in yours; she is already in love with someone." Jihoon utter as Seokjin just clenched his Jaws and fisted his hands in order to calm himself down. But his words were adding fuel to his anger. Trying not to do something horrible that will take out his chance, he left the ward room slamming the door behind him.


Tf I have my exam on March 2nd,   here I'm writing to my lovesick obsessed husband.
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