Part 9

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(Paul POV)

The singer watched you sleep next to him in the chair of the plane as the other band members climbed aboard. He quickly kissed the side of your face and stood up, buttoning his jacket before greeting his friends, seeing the all-knowing smile on gene's face as Paul held his arms open to the bassist.

"I've seen her before on your boys' face book page. What is she doing with you?" Gene asked.

"They had a fight, and I was there to pick up the shattered pieces. Now we are together. You will keep your mouth shut around her. Don't bring up Evan to her or me, for that matter," Paul said.

"She's 30 years younger than you," the bassist said

"Shut up. I don't need the reminder. Now let's get this band meeting started with Tommy and Eric," the singer replied

Gene smacked Paul on the shoulder and followed him to the front of the plane. The singer looked over at you sleeping away and smiled, knowing the last two days had been exhausting for him as well. He shook Tommy's and Eric's hand before taking a seat at the head of the table. The guitarist and drummer looked at Paul with a knowing smile, making the singer groan and slam his hands on the table.

"Whatever jokes you have, get them out now because she doesn't need to hear them. Evan didn't treat her right, and she deserves to be loved by a real man." Paul replied.

"Do you know what this is gonna do to your relationship with your son? Your pride and joy?" Gene asked.

"I think the crack to the jaw said enough. He punched me in the face over this whole encounter, but there's something about this girl that just feels different," the singer said.

"PAUL!!! WHERE ARE YOU!" You cried from the back of the plane

Paul stood up and raced to the seat where you laid with tears streaming down your face. He kneeled down beside you and cupped your face, trying to get you to steady your breathing. You sobbed gently, and the singer pulled you to his lap, kissing the side of your face.

"What happen baby? You were sleeping so peacefully," he whispered

"Evan is gonna come after us and I'm gonna get seriously hurt and there was a little one in the dream." You sobbed

"Baby, he isnt stupid to come after us and if there's a baby on the way, then we will figure it out as it comes. Come with me. Let's wash your face and get you a drink," Paul said, holding your hands.

"Who are they?" You asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Thats the band babe, you just don't recognize them without their makeup," Paul said pulling you to the bathroom

The two of you walked quietly to the bathroom, with paul's head spinning from your comments. A father at the age of sixty was a little scary, but he knew it was possible to be with someone your age. He pushed open the bathroom door and turned the water on, getting a towel from the shelf. The singer soaked the cloth and wiped your face gently, seeing the soft smile come across your face.

"Y/N, i dont know what's going to happen between us, but I want you to know that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you safe and make you feel as loved as I possibly can. Just be patient with me doing this ride, Okay?

"Okay, but what is it that you want from me, besides mind blowing sex and love?" You asked.

"Respect, honor and trust," Paul replied

He leaned forwarded and kissed your lips gently, feeling you smile against his mouth. The singer pushed the bathroom door shut and locked the door before grabbing you and pushing you up against the wall. Your hands wrapped around his neck and he leaned his forehead against yours. You moved one hand away and brushed it against his face in just the way he loved. Paul kissed you deeply, holding you against the wall, as the two of you groaned into the kiss. The guitarist moved his hands to your white shirt just as the door handle jiggled.

"Someones in here," Paul called

"I gotta pee, Stanley," Eric called from behind the door

"Can't you hold it for like fifteen minutes?" the singer replied

"Twenty" You whispered

Paul cocked his head to the side and grinned at you, liking how your mind worked. He moved his mouth back to yours as the drummer banged on the door louder. The two of you groaned and pulled apart quickly, fixing your dissolved clothing before the guitarist opened the door, smacking the drummer upside the head before he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the door.

"I want you to go back to sleep. We have a long trip to L.A. before we are home and I have to discuss something with the band, okay?" Paul asked.

"Okay Daddy" You whispered

Paul felt a shiver run down his spine before he kissing you roughly on your mouth before pushing you back into the chair and covering you up. He walked back to his band mates hearing them chuckle as he took a deep breath and sat down. 

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