Part 13

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"I wanted to see if you had come to your senses yet?" Evan replied

"You cheated on me, Evan. Did you think I would stay with you after that?" You asked, looking at the door.

"I made a mistake, but you didnt have to go and fuck my dad. Now you've had your fun come home," Evan said.

You sat down on the bed and let out a breath, feeling your head spin as the singer continued to explain himself. Tears streamed down your face, and you wiped them away as quickly as they formed. The door opened up and Paul stood there looking at you with a confused look on his face. You held your hand up, asking for a minute and he turned around and walk back out.

"Evan, I'm not coming back. Even if I don't stay with Paul, I don't think you and I can be together," You replied.

"Listen to me bitch, I'm not letting you go that easily. I plan to make your life a living hell until you come back to New York and back to me. You're mine and it's been that way forever. Do you not think I won't destroy my father to have you?" Evan asked.

You hung up the phone and quickly turned it off before you sank back down into the bed. Paul opened the door and walked in with a sad look on his face. He climbed into bed with you and held you close to him as you cried. The singer kissed the side of your face and whispered in your ear, soothing things as you finished. You looked at him and saw the smile on his face before you pressed your lips against his.

"What happened?" Paul asked.

"He's saying that I have to come back to him or he's going to to hurt us," You replied

"Oh really? That little bastard thinks he can just threaten people and get away with it?" He replied, as he stood up

"Paul, what are you going to do?" You asked.

"Dont worry Y/N im gong to get to the bottom of this. You will always be safe with me," Paul said, before slamming the door behind him

You looked up at the ceiling, feeling the anxiety wash over you about your decision to be with the older man. Closing your eyes, you fell back into a fitful sleep. Dreams of the two singers fighting in the dark house as you tried to pull them apart.

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