Part 14

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(Paul POV)

The singer walked into his office and slammed the door, feeling his blood boiling as he took a seat in his office chair. He opened his laptop and opened his conference call app, finding his son's information on there. Paul sat back for a couple of minutes, trying to decide what he was going to say to his only offspring. He grabbed his phone and dialed his best friend's number, waiting for the bassist to pick up. On the fifth ring, Gene's voice came across the line.

"What do you want at nine am, Stanley?" Gene asked

"I have a problem that I think only you can help me figure. Do you have a few minutes to chat?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, what going on? Did you knock her up and trying to decide if you want to be a father in your 60s?" the bassist replied.

"Not that I know of, but my son just called and threaten her and now im trying to think of ways to buy him off. What would you do if you stole Nick's girlfriend, found yourself madly in love with her, knowing it was making your son crazy?" Paul asked.

"You know I dont know if I would ever be in that situation," Gene replied

"Whatever. If a chick made your dick hard, you would go after her no matter who was attached to her," the singer replied..

The line stayed silent for a few minutes and Paul guessed Gene was trying to really think of something to tell the singer. Paul cleared his throat and heard the bassist let out a sigh. What came out of the bassist's mouth shook the guitarist to his core.

"What did you say?" Paul asked.

"Let her go, Paul. This isnt going to end well for the three of you. You had your fun, and you made your point. Now let your son have his girlfriend back. Theres something about her that gives me bad vibes." Gene said.

"I thought you were going to ask me to write a check for him or help him get a record deal so he can be distracted," Paul said.d

"No man, someone is going to end up hurt and I don't want it to be my brother or nephew. I gotta get going Shannon has the day planned. Dont forget about rehearsals tomorrow," the bassist said.

The singer hung up the phone and looked at the picture of Evan and him, right after the singer's divorce. He let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair. Closing his eyes, he thought over what his best friend had said. Paul could already find himself falling in love with you. A knock sounded on his office door, making the singer jump.

"Come in" Paul shouted

You opened the door and walked in with a grin on your face. Paul held his arms open and waved you over to him. You climbed into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. The singer kissed your lips gently, feeling you relax immediately. He loved that he had that effect on you, and that you did the same for him.

"Did you call him?" You asked shyly

"No, I was talking to Gene. I really dont know how to approach this situation." Paul replied..

"Why don't we go and do something to take our minds off this?" You suggested

"Lets goi to the pier. We can have a picnic out there and maybe go to the shooting range," Paul replied..

"Ive never shot a gun before. It could be fun." You said.

"You go and get ready. I'm going to call the gun rage and make some arrangements" the singer replied

You kissed the singer's lips again, making him smile before skipping away. Paul shook his head and grabbed his phone, quickly dialing another number he had memorized. After a few rings, a deep voice came across the line.

"Rick, this is Paul Stanley. I need you to send somebody out to set up cameras in the house again, and send one of your guys out to watch Evan in New York. He's off his rocker again and im worried he's going to come after me and my new girlfriend. I'm about to leave. You know the code. Just let yourself end and make sure you send a professional to watch my boy. I want a report around the clock." Paul replied.

"You got it boss, anything else?" Rick asked

"Yeah, I need you to get me a gun to keep in the house. Bring it to the shooting range in about an hour. Ill text you when im on the way." Paul replied before hanging up.

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