Jenny (FT) x Mirajane (FT) {Lemon}

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"Jenny! Let me go!" Mirajane yelled while she was being dragged at Jenny's house. "Just shut up and come with me!" Jenny yelled. 'What's up with her?' Mirajane thought. They got into Jenny's house. Jenny slammed the door shut. "What's wrong with you?" Mirajane asked. "Im angry." Jenny said. "I can see that." Mirajane said. Jenny sat on her couch. Mirajane sat beside her. "Wait. I smell alcohol. Have you been drinking?" Mirajane asked. "Yeah. But luckily i didn't got drunk." Jenny said. Mirajane heard Jenny sniff. "Is something the matter?" Mirajane asked. Jenny didn't respond but she hugged Mirajane anyways.

"W-what's wrong?" Mirajane asked while gently stroking Jenny's hair. "H-hibiki.." Jenny mumbled. "Hibiki what?" Mirajane asked. Hibiki and Jenny are in a relationship in case you all dont know. "He dumped me.." Jenny said. Suddenly, a dark aura surrounded Mirajane. "He what?!" Mirajane yelled. "He dumped me." Jenny said. "That jerk." Mirajane said. Jenny looked at Mirajane. 'She's so cute.' Jenny thought. Jenny leaned close to Mirajne. "Jenny?" Mirajane asked. Jenny ignored her and kissed her.

JenikaArciaga9: Lewls. What an i writing again?

Jenny and Mirajane: About us kissing and some shit. O/////O Kissing?!

JenikaArciaga9: *Smirks evily* Yep.


JenikaArciaga9: Hai, hai, (- 3 -)

Mirajane's eye widened because of what just happened. BUUUT she kissed back anyways. Jenny leaned back and stared at Mirajane.

JenikaArciaga9: Hey! You're both staring in a lustful way!!

Jenny: So?

JenikaArciaga9: That're both gonna--

Mirajane: *Turns into he Satan Soul* Dont even go there...

JenikaArciaga9: Sure. (But i'll definitely make you both do it.)

Readers: Moving on.

JenikaArciaga9: HEY!!! Im not--

Readers: Thank you for your speech author-san, we would like to read the story without you and the others interrupting.

Jenika, Jenny, and Mirajane: Why you so mean?! Anyways, onto the story!!

"Do you really wanna do it?" Jenny asked. Mirajane nodded in response. "Sure?" Jenny asked. "Yes." Mirajane said. Jenny smiled then they started stripping.

They're both now in their bra and panties. Jenny was blushing furiously while Mirajane was just staring at Jenny's you-know-what.

JenikaArciaga9: That's naughty...

Readers: WTF are you doing here?! We said no interrupting!

JenikaArciaga9: Fine...

"W-what are you staring at?" Jenny asked. Mirajane smiled and cupped Jenny's cheek and then it slowly moved into Jenny's chin, bringing her closer. "Have you ever did this before?" Mirajane asked. "Nope. With a girl that is." Jenny said. "So you're saying, you didn't do this with a girl before but you did it with a boy?" Mirajane asked. "Y-yeah. You can call me a slut though." Jenny looked down. "I wont call you a slut." Mirajane said.

Readers: Can you...uh..stick to the lemon now?

JenikaArciaga9: (0///////0) Just...uh..wait okay?? Jenny and Mirajane are so shy they cant even move a muscle.

Jenny and Mirajane: Seriously?! We're gonna do it?! Fine. Just this once!

Jenika and the Readers: Yay!! *Does a happy dance*

Mirajane and Jenny kissed in a lustful way. By i mean by lustful is, FRENCH KSSING!!!! Mirajane's hand ran down to Jenny's breast. Jenny kissed deeper and rubbed Mirajane's you-know-what.

Readers: You know what?? What is it?

JenikaArciaga9: You're interrupting me and yourselves.

Readers: Sorry. *Looks at Mirajane and Jenny then blushes*

Mirajane moaned which caused Jenny to removed Mirajane's panties. They stopped they kiss and looked at each other. "W-what's the matter?" Mirajane asked. "I-im not used into this since you're a girl." Jenny said. "Dont be such a dog! You said you had a sex with a boy right?" Mirajane asked. Jenny nodded. "Then do the things that he was doing to you!" Mirajane said. Jenny thought about it.

* Flashback *

JenikaArciaga9: You're lucky im gonna add a pn extra lemon here. But it's not a yuri though.

Readers: It's okay! As long as it's lemon!

JenikaArciaga9: Pervs. Joke.

Jenny moaned while the guy (he was having a sed with) was rubbing her womanhood. "You like that huh?" The guy asked. Jenny nodded. The guy added another finger on Jenny's womanhood. Jenny moaned louder. "Yes. Louder." The guy said. Jenny moaned again.

* End Of Flashback *

JenikaArciaga9: I think im gonna be sick.

Readers: Shut up!

Jenny: Was that necessary?!

Mirajane: Who was the guy?

JenikaArciaga9: *Smirks* Laxus Dreyar.

Readers and Mirajane: WHAT?!?!

JenikaArciaga9: Noooothing. (It was a joke so dont take seriously.)

Jenny pinned Mirajane on the couch. Jenny licked Mirajane's womanhood. "A-ah~!!" Mirajane moaned. (A/N: O////////O!!!) Jenny smirked and sucked on Mirajane's...clit. Mirajane moaned out Jenny's name. 'Didn't know she has a pretty voice when she's moaning.' Jenny thought. Jenny stopped sucking on Mirajane's clit. "W-why'd you stopped?" Mirajane asked.

Readers: Yeah, Jenny why'd you stopped?

JenikaArciaga9: Ooooh. So, mirajane's enjoying it huh??

Mirajane: S-shut up!

"I got bored. You do it now." Jenny said. Mirajane nodded. Now, Jenny's the one who was lying on the couch. Mirajane gulped. "What's up?" Jenny asked. "Im not good at doing this." Mirajane said and licked Jenny's womanhood. "S-shut up! You're doing it f-fine!" Jenny said. Mirajane blushed and sucked on her clit. They did that for a moment though. But for the author, it felt like eternity!

JenikaArciaga9: Yeaaah.

" gonna.." Jenny said. Mirajane smirked. "Then do it." Mirajane said. Jenny closed her eyes as she...came. Mirajane sucked all of her juices.

JenikaArciaga9: ^W^ Hahaha!!

Jenny: What's so funny?

JenikaArciaga9: What if i make Sherry and Chelia do this? Whaddya think readers?

Readers: (It's my choice.) We dont know.

JenikaArciaga9: (- 3 -) Looks like i'll wait...or not. Gii hee!

Jenny sat back on the couch while Mirajane was staring at Jenny. "What?" Jenny asked. Mirajane smiled and kissed Jenny in da neck nigga! "M-mirajane!" Jenny yelled and tried to push back Mirajane. Mirajane sat on Jenny's lap. Mirajane slept in Jenny's neck. Jenny fell asleep too. They fell asleep while cuddling each other.

JenikaArciaga9: How cute.

Jenny: (Now i felt like i have a thing for Mirajane.)

Mirajane: (I felt like i have thing for Jenny now.)

JenikaAricaga9: What are you thinking niggas?

Jenny and Mirajane: Niggas?

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