Kyou (Clannad) x Ryou (Clannad) {Not A Lemon}

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A/N: So, i decided to have break with Lemon because my brain just exploded. But next part of this chapter could be Lemon. Enjoy. Kyou is the girl with long hair and Ryou is the girl with short hair in case you guys dont know.


No One's POV

"Nagisa?" Ryou asked. Nagisa turned around and saw Ryou. "Hi Ryou." Nagisa smiled. "What are you doing at the library?" Ryou asked. "I was looking for Kotomi." Nagisa said. "Oh. Kotomi is with big sis Kyou at the club room. Let's go." Ryou said.

Ryou and Nagisa went to their club room and saw Kyou, Kotomi, Tomoyo, Tomoya, and Sunohara. "Hey guys. Nagisa wanted to talk to Kotomi." Ryou said. Kotomi stood up and went outside with Nagisa. "Im gonna talk to Tomoyo." Tomoya said ans dragged Tomoyo outside. "Im gonna fight with Tomoyo." Sunohara said and dashed outside. Only left was Kyou and Ryou. Ryou sat down across from Kyou. They had a staring contest.

Jii - Both of them

[ At The Others ]

"This is ridiculous. Why do you guys think that those two will kiss?" Tomoyo asked. "This was Sunohara's plan. He said that Ryou loves Kyou." Kotomi said. "Well, of course she do! They're sisters!" Tomoya yelled. "NO!! Ryou loves Kyou in a different way." Sunohara said. Nagisa stared at the Fujibayashi sisters. 'I wonder if they will actually do that.' Nagisa thought.

[ Back At The Sisters ]

Staring contest became a glaring contest. "What did you do with Sunohara last night?" Kyou asked angrily. "Why do you care? We didn't do anything bad." Ryou said. Kyou glared daggers at her. "You know what?! You're not treating me like a sister anymore! You're now treating me like im just your best friend!!" Kyou yelled with watery eyes. 'That's because...' Ryou thought. "That's because..." Ryou said. "Because what?! You love Sunohara?!" Kyou yelled.

[ Back At The Others ]

"What the hell?" Tomoyo mumbled. "They're fighting." Nagisa said. "Fighting for...SUNOHARA!!!!" Tomoya yelled. "Seriously?" Sunohara asked. "No." Tomoya said. Kotomi stared at the sisters. 'Just a little bit more.' Kotomi thought. Nagisa looked at Kotomi. 'She's cute-- WHAT. AM. I. THINKING?!' Nagisa thought and shooked her head.

[ Back At The Sisters ]

"No. It's because i..." Ryou looked away with a tomato face. 'What the hell is she thinking right now?!' Kyou thought. "Ugh. I have enough of this. Im leaving." Kyou said and stood up. Kyou walked away from the table buuuuut....

*Ryou grabs Kyou arm*

"What is it?" Kyou asked angrily. Ryou looked down. Ryou looked up again and kissed Kyou. 'W-what the?' Kyou thought. Ryou was pretty shocked too. She didn't know what she was doing. 'OH NO!! My reputation as a sister is ruined!!!' Ryou thought. Kyou kissed back without any hesitation. Ryou was shocked again.

[ At The Others Again ]

All of them were blushing like crazy. "I...didn't..." Kotomi sttutered with a tomato face. Nagisa was heating up. Tomoyo was the same. (A/N: Tomoyo's a girl. Tomoya's a boy.) Sunohara gulped. Tomoya was out of earth. Nagisa was thinking that she and Kotomi could do that. "No! No! What am i thinking! That could never happen!! Me and-- Grrrr!!" Nagisa yelled. The others face turned to her. "Ah. Nothing. I just yelled my thoughts out loud." Nagisa said.

[ Back At The Sisters ]

Ryou pulled back and opened her eyes. Kyou was blushing like crazy. "Why did--"

Ryou hugged Kyou and said, "I love you, sis." She said. Kyou gently stroked Ryou's hair. "I love you too." Kyou said.

[ Back At The Others ]

"Awwwww." They said. Sunohara bursted through the door and the sisters immediately pulled back. "Heyo girls!! Everybody let's go!!" Sunohara yelled. The others came in. "You guys in peace now?" Tomoya smirked. Ryou and Kyou blushed. "So, you're saying that you all planned this?" Kyou asked angrily.

Everyone: *Gulps* Y-yeah...

Kyou smiled. "Thank you." She said. The others smiled bakc and they talked and talked.


The part 2 will come later.

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