Mei Isayama (Ga Rei Zero) x Reader {SL}

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No One's POV

"Yomi, you cannot beat me." Mei said while you were just watching Yomi and Mei train their strengths. "Just you watch! I'll beat you!" Yomi yelled and they attacked each other. Minutes later, they ended their training and you stood up. "Good match." You said. Mei grabbed your hand and dragged your into her house. "Yomi got stronger." Mei said. "So...?" You asked. "So, she can beat you." Mei said. "You're dragging me into this?" You asked. Mei asked.

"Hell no." You said. Mei smirked and pinned you into the wall. Secretly, Yomi was watching. "Hmph." Yomi grunted and blushed. Mei kissed you roughly. Oh my gush. Yomi's eyes widened and blushed harder. "What the heck are they doing?" Yomi mumbled. You pushed her back. "What the hell?" You asked. Mei laughed and kissed you again. This time, you kissed back. 'It's not everyday i hear her laugh.' You thought, your hand running down to her (i cant say it...but in have to!) chest.

Mei blushed and moaned. That made you smirk and stop. "They stopped." Yomi mumbled. "Yomi's watching us. You dont want anyone to interfere. Dont you?" You asked. Mei raised an eyebrow and nodded. Yomi chuckled and walked to her house. And then, you and Mei went your room, tofinishwhatyoustarted.

That was short. Im so sorry!

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