Yomi Isayama (Ga Rei Zero) x Reader {Not a Lemon}

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You were walking in the woods like you dont care about the world anymore. 'I hate it.' You thought. 'I hate this world. I wish i never existed.' You thought. 'I can just kill myself now.' You thought again. You sat under a tree while hugging your knees. You heard footsteps walking in your way so you pulled out your knife just in case that person attacks you.

"(Y/N)?" You heard your best friend Yomi. "Yomi-san..." You said and sighed in relief. "What are you doing here?" Yomi asked. "I was just walking around." You said. "I was worried about you. I came to your house earlier but your big brother said you ran off somewhere." Yomi said. When you heard Yomi said 'big brother', you immediately got angry. "Dont you ever mention my big brother in front of me." You said and walked deeper in the woods. "(Y/N) wait!" Yomi yelled but you ignored her and kept walking.

"(Y/N)!!" Yomi yelled. You ignored her again. "(Y/N) come back!" Yomi yelled. You ignored her once again. "(Y/N)!!" Yomi yelld again. You gave up and turned around. Yomi catched up with you. "Did something happened?" Yomi asked. "It dont matter." You said and walked away again but Yomi grabbed your hand. "You can tell me." Yomi said. You stayed silent and without you even noticing it, tears came down running down your cheeks. Yomi got shocked and immediately hugged you. "I found out...that he killed...my little sister." You said through sobs. Yomi hugged you tighter. "Dont cry. It hurts me when i see you cry." Yomi said.

JenikaArciaga9: Wow. I wish my friends would say that to me but they just laugh...because the more you show your true emotions, the more they find ways to hurt you.

You stoppd crying and hugged Yomi back. "Im sorry to hear that, (Y/N). And im sorry that i asked too. It's my fault that you cried." Yomi said. "Oh. Dont be. It's not your fault. And plus, im just a crybaby." You said. You looked up at Yomi and smiled. Yomi smiled back and kissed you. You blushed and kissed back.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Yomi-san."

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