Saya Takagi (HOTD) x Reader {Not a Lemon}

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A/N: Guys, is there any good books to read? If there is, please tell me :3 I've been dying to read a good book.

No One's POV

"Oi, (Y/N)! Let's go!" Takashi yelled. "Yeah, sure. Let's go Takagi." You said. Takagi nodded and walked with you and the others. Takagi was walking while staring at you. 'Those eyes are so beautiful...' Takagi thought and bumped into Saeko's back. "Next time you're gonna stop, warn me." Takagi said. "Sorry, but we have business." Saeko said and pulled out her sword. You stepped back since you dont have any weapons. "Guys, can i fight too?" You asked. "No, you stay back." Hirano said. "But i--"

"Just stay back." Takashi said. You pouted and said, "Fine.". They started attacking the zombies and made loud noises. "Guys, the noise." You said. Of course, they didn't heard you. More zombies are coming because of the noise. One was gonna get Rei but you kicked it away. "I told you i should fight." You said and kicked another one away. They smiled and nodded. 'I never knew she know martial arts.' Takagi thought and shooted one zombie. "(Y/N) look out!!" Hirano yelled. You looked behind and saw two zombies super close at you.

"Guys, help!" You yelled. They were gonna get you but Takagi shooted them. You frozed where you're standing. Probably, because you're so scared that it almost got you. "(Y/N) are you alright?" Takagi asked while hugging you, your face buried in her neck and tears were flowing our of your eyes. "Dont cry." Takagi said while gently stroking your hair. 'Awwwwww.' Rei thought. 'I think i should not see this. Wait, they're just hugging.' Hirano thought. 'How sweet.' Saeko and Takashi thought. Takagi blushed and pushed up her glasses. "S-stop looking!" Takagi yelled.

"But you guys are so sweet." Rei said. Takagi blushed harder. "Alrighty, business is done. Let's go find a shelter." Takashi said. They nodded. "(Y/N), let's go." Takagi said and wiped away your tears. You nodded and stood up straight. "Im sorry for being useless, you guys. I should've listen to you." You said. "No worries." Hirano said. Takashi smiled and you all started walking. "Ooooh! Let's go there." Rei pointed at a hill. "A hill?" Saeko asked. "Wait, there's a house. An abandoned one." Takagi said. "Jackpot. Let's go." Takashi said. You all climbed up the hill and entered the house.

"This is abandoned but it's clean." Rei said. "Maybe the owners comitted suicide?" Hirano asked. Saeko chuckled. You sat on the couch and thought about what will your life been when you got bitten. You sighed and looked at your hands but someone held it. It was Takagi. You blushed. "W-what is it?" You asked. Takagi cupped your cheek and brought your face close to hers. "H-hey Takag--"

Talagi kissed you, roughly. (^O^) <--- Author-chan's face right now.

You kissed back and Takagi pinned you to the couch. "O_O Takagi?" You asked after breaking da kiss. Takagi smirked and kissed you again and her hand was in your...chest.

CUT!! Part 2 will come soon!!

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