Yomi Isayama (Ga Rei Zero) x Reader {Not A Lemon} (Part 1)

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A/N: Yes, i know i wrote something like this before. I wrote this because i couldn't think of other things to write. Uhuhuhu T-T. This is a different Yomi Isayama x Reader. In this, you're both enemies. And this chapter is gonna kinda long. I guess. And it'll be kinda boring since a bit of romance wont appear AT ALL. Part 1 start!


"Damn. Are you sure we can find this 'Yomi Isayama' girl? She's impossible to get." (Friend's name) said. "Dont worry. We will. She wont play hard to get around us." You said while smirking. "Yeah. You can say that." (Friend's name) said. "Come on. Let's go." You said. You and (Friend's name) went outside and saw a sudden explosion few kilometers away from where you're standing. "That must be her." You said.

"Alrighty then." (Friend's name) chuckled. You both jumped up to the roofs to see what the hell's happening. "What a commotion." (Friend's name) said. 'Yomi Isayama...that name...is so familiar.' You thought. "Hey, (Y/N). Come on. Dont you wanna see what's happening?" (Friend's name) asked. "Sure." You said. You both jumped from roof to roof until you got closer to the explosion. "I knew you both would show up." A female voice said. "Tch." You mumbled.

A girl with black hair and purple eyes came out of the smoke from the explosion. 'It is her.' You thought. "Hey, (Y/N). Is this Yomi Isayama?" (Friend's name) asked. You stayed silent. "(Y/N)?" (Friend's name) asked. "It's nice to see you again, (Nickname)." Yomi smirked. "Yomi, where have been all these years?!" You yelled. Yomi didn't answered. "Tell me! We're you the one commiting crimes?!" You yelled. Yomi still didn't answered.

"Answer me!!!" You yelled. Yomi just stared deeply into your (eye color) eyes. "I was..." Yomi said. You gritted your teeth in anger. "I was looking for you all these years and all you did was commit crimes?!" You yelled. "No." Yomi said. You stared back at her. "You know her?" (Friend's name) asked. "Yes. She was my childhood friend along with Kagura." You said. 'Speaking of Kagura, where is she?' You thought. "Hey. Where's Kagura? Im sure you're both always together all those previous years." You said. Yomi smirked. "I killed her." Yomi said. "What?!" You yelled.

"How could you..." You said. Another explosion came in. "Few kilometers away. I'll go on it and check it out. You stay here." (Friend's name) said. You didn't answered but your friend stared worriedly at you. "See ya." (Friend's name) said and jumped frok roof to roof. "Oh. Quite a hopper." Yomi said. 'No. This isn't Yomi. She's not the Yomi i know. People change alright. Hell, everything changes!' You thought.

"What's wrong? Aren't you here to arrest and kill me?" Yomi asked. You shot up your head and didn't answered. You jumped at the ground since you were on a roof. Now, you're few inches away from Yomi. "No. I heard that you're here. So, i went here to see you, of course." You said. Yomi looked quite shocked. 'She is looking for me all these years. And yet, i didn't ever bothered to come back to her.' Yomi thought. "Since you disappeared, i always looked for you. Every day and night." You said. Yomi looked guilty. 'Allthose years, i wasted my time.' Yomi thought. "What am i doing anyway?" You suddenly asked. Yomi looked at you deeply.

"Even if i force you to come back to me, you wouldn't. I feel like wasting my entire time finding you when i know you're not coming back." You said, tears falling your eyes, to your cheeks, then to your school uniform. 'She's crying.' Yomi thought. "See ya 'round." You mumbled and turned around ready to jump back to the roofs. "Wait." Yomi said. You stopped but you didn't looked at her.

"I..." Yomi mumbled. You took a glance at her by the corner of your eyes. You can feel her guiltness for leaving you behind. There was a stain of blood in Yomi's uniform. 'Kagura...is that your blood or what?' You thought. "I...Im sorry." Yomi said. "What?" You asked. "Im sorry. Im sorry for everything. Leaving you behind. Not caring about how you felt." Yomi said. You smiled a bit, hearing her apologize to you. Yomi's bangs are almost covering her eyes. You walked towards her and placed both of your hands on her shoulder. Yomi looked at you since she looked at the ground.

"It's okay." You smiled a bit. Yomi smiled back too before hugging you. 'This is the Yomi i know.' You thought. You can feel tears falling to your school uniform. It was Yomi's tears. "Why are you crying?" You asked while gently stroking her hair. "Im sorry." She said again. 'I cant bear to see her suffer like that again.' Yomi thought. "Yomi, i told you it's okay." You said. "But still, i made you suffer." Yomi mumbled. 'that part was true but i dont think it's your fault at all.' You thought. "I bet you're controlled." You said. "I-im not." Yomi said. 'She really did that?!' You thought. "Then, why aren't you killing me? Aren't you supposed to eliminate all of the people in town?" You asked. "Those who are precious to me aren't my target." Yomi said.

"But why did you killed Kagura?" You asked. "It was an accident she was somehow controlled." Yomi said. You feel your body giving up. 'All this time me and (Friend's name) made it out here. Not now, i cant pass out right now. Im so tired. I cant even move myself.' You thought. Your eyes are closing but you kept them open as you can. "(Y/N)? Are you okay? You're not standing straight anymore." Yomi said. "Im just tired. That's all." You said. 'I cant pass out.' You thought. "Wait, dont tell me you came ALL THE WAY here?!" Yomi yelled.

"We took a rest at the previous town that was super far away from here so we barely had rest when we're hitting the road." You said. 'I knew it. I did made her suffer. Her friend must've been tired too.' Yomi thought. You closed your eyes then you fell asleep in Yomi's arms. 'And she's asleep.' Yomi thought. Yomi sat on the ground with you leaning on her shoulder, sleeping.

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