Misaka Mikoto x Reader {Not A Lemon}

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A/N: The anime she's from is To Aru Kagaku No Railgun. I didn't put the anime name on the title because it's too long XD.


"Mikoto-san." You said and tapped Mikoto's shoulder. "Yes?" Mikoto asked. "Kuroko said she wanted to meet us at your dorm." You said. "Why? For threesome?" Mikoto asked. Your eyes widened and shooked your head. "Iie." You said and walked away. (Iie = No.)

You and Mikoto reached her dorm and entered the room. "Tadai--"

"Onee-samas!!!" Kuroko yelled. Kuroko was gonna hug you buut Mikoto shocked her before Kuroko can even touch you. "Uhhh." You mumbled and raised an eyebrow. Kuroko stood up like nothing happened to her. "Come here you two." Kuroko dragged you and Mikoto at her wardrobe. "What are we--"

Kuroko slammed the door shut. "Hahaha!! Im watching you both. Kiss or you'll be there forever." Kuroko smirked. "What are you--?!" You yelled but you stopped because Mikoto looked angry. "Uhhh. Is something wrong?" You asked. "When we get out of here, i'll kill you Kuroko." Mikoto said and leaned close to you. You gulpe and backed away. "What's the matter?" Mikoto asked. "Im not into kissing stuff." You said and played with your thumbs.

"Geez." Kuroko said. "Oh i know!" You yelled. Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "Just blast these doors open." You poked the door. "Nope." Kuroko and Mikoto said. "What do you--- waaait!!!" You yelled. "You both planned this didn't you?!" You yelled. Mikoto chuckled and nodded. Your face was red of embarrassment. You started kicking the door. "Get ME outta here!!" You yelled. "If you have powers, you can blast these doors open but you dont have any so...too bad." Kuroko smirked. "ARGH!!" You yelled.

Mikoto grabbed your arm and made your face close to hers. You blushed in anger and embarrassment. "M-m-mikoto?" You asked while gently pushing her back BUT she cant budge!!! 'What now?!' You thought. Mikoto smirked secrectly and...

"Mmfh!!" You yelled. 'Why did this...felt good?' You thought. "KISS BACK!!!" Kuroko yelled while blushing. You blushed hard and...(>///////<)....kissed back. "KYAAAA!!!" Kuroko yelled. Kuroko opened the doors and you ran out of the wardrobe. "KUROKO..." You said angrily. Kuroko shivered. Kuroko and you started running across the room. 'Geez.' Mikoto thought.

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