Miruku Asahina (TMOHS) x Reader {NaL}

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A/N: Hellooooo!! This is the last chapter! Im not sure if Miruku is her first name. She's from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya.

No One's POV

"(Y/N)!!" Haruhi yelled. You turned around and saw that Haruhi's with your crush, Miruku Asahina. "Hello." You said. "Let's go to the club room!" Haruhi yelled and dragged you to the club room with Miruku. Kyon and Yuki are there too. "Hello." Yuki said. "Hi." You said. "What are we doing here again?" Kyon asked. "We're gonna share our scary stories!" Haruhi yelled. "S-scary st-stories?" Miruku asked, holding your hand. You blushed but you hid it. "Dont worry. (Y/N)'s there for you." Kyon smirked. You blushed harder and stucked out your tounge at him.

"Okay! Let's start with Yuki." Haruhi said. Yuki started telling the story. (A: Im not gonna tell the story because i have no idea what kind of story im gonna write.) After a few minutes, Miruku has watery eyes. "Are you okay?" You asked. Miruku cried in your uniform. "H-hey." You said while patting her back. "Awwww." Kyon teased. "Shut up! Why dont you comfort Haruhi?!" You yelled.

Haruhi crossed her arms. "Seriously, that story was so scary." You said, still comforting Miruku. "I read it in a book." Yuki said and handed you her book of horror story. "Even the cover is scary." You said, showing it to Miruku. "Stop it!" Miruku yelled. "Sorry." You said and handed the book to Yuki. Miruku didn't realized she was hugging you so she blushed hard, even you. "Kyon, Yuki, and me will go to the canteen. You guys stay here." Haruhi said and dragged Yuki and Kyon outside.

Miruku was still hugging you in silence. "Say, Miruku. Do you like someone?" You asked. "Y-yeah." Miruku said. "Who is it?" You asked. Miruku blushed again. "I-it's...y-you." Miruku said. 'So cute!! Wait what? What did she just said?!' You thought. "M-me?" You asked. Miruku hid her face with your uniform and nodded. You gently storked her hair and kissed her forehead. "I like you too." You said. Miruku blushed and smiled. "Good grief. I-i thought you were gonna reject me." Miruku said.

"No i wont. Unless it's other people." You said. Miruku at you while blushing. 'Awwww! So cute. I cant resist those lips!' You thought. You couldn't stop yourself so you kissed her. Miruku kissed in not time. Joke. It took her a minute to kiss back. "Awww." Yuki, Haruhi, and Kyon came in. You and Miruku immediately leaned back. "What the heck?!" You yelled.

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