Nagisa Furukawa x Reader {Half Lemon}

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A/N: Last half lemon, then next three chapters not a lemon, next three chapters lemon, then half lemon again! Also, thank you for the 1.06k reads!!


"Nagisa-chan. Where are we going?" You asked. Nagisa was dragging you away from Tomoya. "What's wrong?" You asked. Nagisa didn't answered. " and Tomoya broked up?" You asked. Nagisa stopped form her tracks. "Yes. We did." Nagisa said.

*Heart Breaks*

"WHAAAT?!?!" You yelled. 'My OTP is ruined!!' You thought. "Why? Did he dumped you or you dumped him?" You asked. "He dumped me because he said he loves Kyou not me." Nagisa said. "Damn that Tomoya. He toyed with your feelings all along!" You yelled. "CURSE YOU OKAZAKI!!!" You and Nagisa yelled. Nagisa looked at you and you both laughed.

"Let's go to my house for tonight. My mom and dad are on a vacation in 3 days." You said. "Okay." Nagisa smiled.

You both reached your house and you opened the lights. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" You asked. Tomoya, Kyou, Ryou, Sunohara, and Tomoyo were in your house. Nagisa landed her eyes on...Tomoya and Kyou. Kyou was clinging into Tomoya's arm. "Excuse me." Nagisa said and ran to your bathroom. "What the--?" Ryou raised an eyebrow. You shrugged and followed Nagisa.

Nagisa was sobbing in the bathroom. "You...uh...cant get over it?" You asked. Nagisa didn't respond. 'Damn.' You thought. Nagisa was still sobbing. You patted her head and hugged her.

[ Meanwhile At The Others ]

"Damn it Tomoya." Tomoyo said and went to the bathroom's door. She leaned in at the door. "Well?" Sunohara asked. "Sshhh!" Tomoyo shushed Sunohara. After several seconds, Tomoyo gasped. "What's wrong?" Ryou asked. "Nagisa's..." Tomoyo faced everyone. "...crying." Tomoyo said. Tomoya's eyes widened so did Kyou's. "You serious?" Kyou asked. "Dixie chicks serious." Tomoyo said.

[ Back At You and Nagisa ]

Nagisa stopped crying. You pulled back but Nagisa kept hugging you. You looked at Nagisa. 'What's with her?' You thought. Nagisa looked back at you and kissed you. Your eyes widened but kissed back anyways.

[ Back At The Others ]

Sunohara peeked through the door. Sunohara gasped. "What now?" Tomoyo asked. Sunohara faced them and smiled. "My OTP was canon!!" Sunohara yelled. "OTP? You ship Nagisa and (Y/N)?" Kyou asked. Sunohata nodded. "What are they doing?" Ryou asked. "Kissing." Sunohara smiled.

[ Back At You and Nagisa ]

You both are now making out. You touched Nagisa's...>/////<.....breasts. Nagisa was gonna rub your womanhood buuuut...

"Not here. Not now. Alright?" You asked. Nagisa nodded. You both stood up and walked out of the bathroom. Everyone was blushing. Nagisa blushed too. First you were curious, then you realized it. "Oh no you didn't." You said angrily. Sunohara freaked out and hid behind Tomoyo. "SUNOHARA!!!" You yelled and started chasing Sunohara around the house. "Gomen! Gomen! Gomen!" Sunohara yelled.

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