Annie Leonhart (AoT) x Mikasa Ackerman (AoT) {Not a Lemon}

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Annie was walking around the village full of idiots. By i mean by idiots are Connie, Reiner, and Marco (by the looks of their faces, i think of them as idiots). "Soo, Annie..." Connie smirked. Annie eyes turned to Connie but not her face. "Is it true that you like Mikasa?" Reiner added. "Oh." Marco sang. Annie's face became angry. "Who the heck told you that?" Annie asked angry. "So it's true then?" Reiner teased. Annie became irritated. "It isn't." Annie said. "By the looks of your faces, it looks true." Marco said.

[ At Mikasa ]

Mikasa was walking with Eren and Armin until she saw Annie was angry. "I wonder what's wrong with Annie." Armin said worriedly. "She's being teased by Connie, Reiner, and Marco." Eren said. "Tch." Mikasa grunted. "EVERYONE!!! ANNIE LIKES--"

Connie was cut off by Annie kicking him away. "Shut up." Annie said and walked away. "Connie, are you okay?" Reiner asked. "Tch. That girl." Connie mumbled. Blood ran down to the side of Connie's mouth. "She did some real damage to you, idiot." Mikasa said. "It's true that you like Annie back right?" Marco asked. Mikasa became irritated. "Guys, if i were you, i would stop that. And for the love of god, stop." Eren and Armin said. Mikasa walked where the same path Annie walked to. That means she's gonna follow Annie.

[ At Annie ]

Annie was sitting in a dark alley. Her back pressed against the wall. 'No matter what i cant let her find out.' Annie thought. "Annie." A familiar voice said. Annie turned to where the voice was and it was Mikasa's voice. "Oh. Hey, Mikasa." Annie said. "The three idiots teased you didn't they?" Mikasa asked. "Kinda." Annie said. Mikasa sat beside Annie holding her hand.

>///////< ---> Annie's face

-//////- ----> Mikasa's face

"W-why are you holding my hand?" Annie asked. "Because..." Mikasa leaned close to Annie's face. Annie leaned close as well. "I love you." Mikasa said. Annie was a bit shocked. "I...i" Annie said. 'Since when did she get like this?' Mikasa thought. Mikasa smiled a bit and kissed Annie.


CUT THAT. See ya on the next chapter.

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