Yui Hirasawa x Mio Akiyama {Lemon}

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"YUI!!!" Mio yelled across their clubroom. "Yes Mio-chan?" Yui asked. Mugi, Ritsu, and Azusa were outside doing something they do not know. "Where's...what the hell are you doing?" Mio asked. Yui was holding Mio's bass by her one hand. "Nothing." Yui said and handed the bass to Mio. "O...kay?" Mio said and placed her bass at the side. Yui smirked and pinned Mio at the wall. "Yui?" Mio asked while landing a hand on her shoulder to push her back. Yui grabbed Mio's hand and placed it on her side. Yui leaned close to Mio's face while Mio raised an eyebrow. 'She is so dense.' Yui thought. "Let's do...it." Yui whispered. Mio's eyes widened and she blushed. "W-what?" Mio asked. Yui chuckled. 'Okay. This isn't VERY Yui-like!' Mio thought while shaking. "What do you say?" Yui asked. Mio furrowed her eyebrows. "N--"

"I guess i'll just force you to." Yui cutted off Mio's sentence. Mio blushed harder. "L-like...you'll r-r-rape me?" Mio asked. "Maybe..." Yui smirked. Mio's shoulder shivered. "Dont be scared." Yui said and unbuttoned Mio's school uniform. 'Shoot. Why cant i stop her?! M-my body feels weak.' Mio thought. Mio was gonna push Yui but Yui grabbed her hand. "Not so fast." Yui said. "Stop this Yui." Mio said. Yui frowned. "No." Yui said. "This is most likely like rape Yui." Mio said. Yui pouted. "Urgh. Fine. Just this once." Mio said. Yui smiled and nodded. Mio smiled back and kissed Yui. Yui touched (A/N: I cant say it. I just cant say it!!!) Mio's chest.

Mio moaned. 'First time i've ever heard her moan.' Yui thought. Yui's one hand ran down to Mio's womanhood. 'Damn it. That's my most sensitive part!!!' Mio thought. Yui rubbed Mio womanhood. Mio moaned again. "Y-yui~!" Mio moaned out. Yui pushed down Mio's panties and inserted one finger at Mio's womanhood. (A/N: I feel so dirty!!!!!! >////////<) Again, Mio moaned. Mio had a tight grip at Yui's shoulder. "Aw. Mio-chan's wet already. Well, what did i expect for a virgin?" Yui raised an eyebrow. "S-shut up!" Mio yelled. Yui chuckled a bit and inserted another finger.

[ Moments Later ]

Okay. So, now, Mio's almost at her climax (-///////-). "Y-yui...im gonna..." Mio mumbled. "Okay." Yui said and thrusted in and out faster. Annnnnnd, after that, of course Mio...came. Mio was panting so hard. Yui smiled a bit and kissed Mio. Mio was shocked at first but kissed back anyways. Yui leane dback. "I love you, Mio-chan." Yui smiled. Mio smiled back. "I love you too, Yui." Mio said.

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