Chapter 3

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So much blood.

So much red.

The blood soaked the snow that was beginning to cover the ground. A storm was beginning to work it's way through the massacre, but the soft flakes did nothing to cover the red. Besides, the blood wasn't all that was red. No, those eyes. The horrible eyes of the rogues as they ripped into the bodies of her pack members. She recognized some of the wolves from her parents taking her to the border to meet their friends. She had shyly hidden behind her parents and stared into the large, furry faces of these wolves who were on duty. Still, she wasn't close to any of these wolves; but, knowing her parents cared for them, she cheered them on from her invisible place.

Invisible because she didn't feel as though they could see her; but, she was still cautious as she walked amongst the carnage. Despite no blood or gore seeming to touch her, she still avoided stepping in any puddles or touching any of the bodies. Most were rogue, she was relieved to see; she could tell by the matted fur of those dying, or the sickly thin bodies of those who had shifted back to their human forms in death. While she wasn't close to anyone in the pack but her parents, she still knew it was important that her pack members remain safe.

And so, it was with great horror that she came upon a body that most certainly was not that of a rogue. It was a man, and he had shifted back to his human form, signaling his death. She crept closer, a sinking feeling in her stomach; she couldn't recognize him, as covered in blood as he was, but still...She had never been this close to a dead body before. The hairs on the back of her neck, and on her arms were all standing on end, her body tensed for fight or flight.

Pushing aside her instincts, she continued forward, stopping to look at the face of her pack mate who had died.

And she saw the bloody, yet still identifiable face of her deceased father before her.

That was when she started screaming.

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