Chapter 78

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After their initial reunion, Derek ordered everyone out while he endeavoured to learn more of what was happening. He desperately wanted to learn what Reina had been living through for the past two decades, who the boys were that she'd claimed as her sons, and if they knew what had happened to Darius. And so, he had brought Reina, Ryan, Reinhold and Gwen to the King's chambers to discuss the situation.

He'd let go of Reina exactly once, and that was to pull a robe on for Gwen's sake. Once he felt he was sufficiently clothed, he sat down in a plush armchair and pulled Reina into his lap, gesturing for the others to sit. With his mate safely back in his arms, it seemed Conri had calmed his rage and hatred for the world, allowing Derek to be something of the ruler he'd once been.

"So...Tell me everything" he ordered the room at large.

"Everything is a lot, so...What do you want to know first?" Gwen responded for the group.

"Who's he?" Derek demanded, looking at Ryan. It was clear that he was Reina's son; but, he had to know if he was the boy's father.

Ryan knew who he was; but, not who he was to this man. So, he looked to his mother, waiting for her to answer for the both of them.

Reina looked down, embarrassed, as she quietly answered "that is Darian Lupinus, our second child...Your son."

"Darian?" Ryan asked with a raised brow, having never heard her refer to him as such.

With a small smile, she looked up at her son to answer him directly. "Your father and I agreed on the name before you were ever even conceived...Ryan was the shortened version I called you for myself, and for your safety" she admitted.

"So he's mine?" Derek asked, confirming what Reina had already said.

She nodded in response, whispering "I'm sorry to have kept him from you..." as tears once again rimmed her eyes.

"Why? Why did you leave? And why take our son from his home and his family?" Derek asked gently, cupping Reina's cheek.

"I'll answer that one" Gwen offered for Reina's sake, knowing the whole situation was a lot for her friend to take in, and answer questions at the same time. Besides, Reina didn't know the whole story.

"From what I've been able to piece together after talking to Reinhold, and from my conversations with Reina, as well as witnessing Shaela's crazy for myself...I believe I understand what's happening. It didn't all fit in the beginning; but, it's a lot clearer now" Gwen began, looking at Reina and Derek. "It all began the night my home was attacked. As I told you, my mother was the Oraculi, or guardian basically, to the last Oracle...What I haven't mentioned yet, and what you may not know, is that Shaela's sister, Cass, was the former Oracle. She didn't see the attack coming, so our final moments together were very hectic...I was given instructions, and basically a prophecy, and then my mother sealed me away. I didn't think anyone else survived, so I didn't realize Shaela was the one parading around as the Oracle" she explained to start.

"Parading around?" Derek asked with a frown. "Are you implying that she's not the Oracle?"

"I'm not implying, I'm telling you that she's not. For some reason, she believes that you two" she said, gesturing to Derek and Reina, "are responsible for what happened to the Moon Thread. She lost her sister, her mate, her baby, her home...Basically, her whole world was destroyed that night, and she blames you. So, to get revenge, I think she worked with witches or vampires, probably both, and came up with this scheme. I don't know if they think she's the Oracle, too; but...I was told I would be the Oraculi to the next Oracle, and I've already found her. So Shaela is a fraud" Gwen said with a shrug.

"What in the name of the goddess would make her think we did that?" Reina asked, horrified.

"No clue" Gwen said with another shrug. "I only know that part because she told him while gloating about her whole plot to destroy the Royal family" she added, pointing her thumb at Reinhold.

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