Chapter 48

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"We are friends of the Royal pack, sir, I can assure you of that" Rei cut in to answer before Aislinn could respond.

Darius turned his eyes over to Rei, taking her in. After a brief pause, he nodded. "I can't imagine your intention would be to do harm when you and your eldest fought so valiantly on the front line alongside the Captain of my guard...And your youngest here went out of his way to defend a complete stranger" he conceded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"How is he?" Aislinn demanded suddenly. "The man from the bar" she added, for clarification.

Raising an eyebrow again, Darius looked over at Aislinn. "Did nobody tell you?"

She shook her head, ignoring the disapproving look that Rei was shooting her.

"He is...As fine as he could be. He is known to frequent that bar, and the owner was unable to rouse him that day. He had gone to seek assistance from a guard; but, fortunately you had found him first. While I wouldn't say he is doing well, he is alive. He has voluntarily checked into a facility to keep him under close watch" he explained.

Aislinn offered a relieved smile, letting go of some of the tension she hadn't realized she'd been holding in her body.

"That does bring me back to the reason I have come to see you, though" Darius began again. "I am...Impressed? Surprised? I have no word to truly express it. How a fifteen-year-old, wolfless boy could successfully kill a vampire...It is unheard of. You do seem large for your age, and the Captain said you had described yourself as having exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills. I am intrigued...And would like to make you the offer of a lifetime" he said, pausing to make sure nobody had anything to interject with.

Rei and Ryan were both staring at the King, the former with concern, the latter with surprise. Aislinn, though, was merely regarding him curiously, patiently waiting for him to continue.

Once he felt certain they had nothing to say, Darius continued. "You will remain in the Royal wing of the hospital, for ongoing treatment until the medical staff deems you to be back to 100%. In the interim, your family will be given a guest room in the palace, where they will be treated as esteemed guests" he said, pausing for questions or comment.

Despite Aislinn's lack of respect for the King, though, she wouldn't have interjected. Likewise, Rei and Ryan weren't stupid enough to ever consider it. Instead, the trio had begun a conversation over mind-link.

"I do like the idea of you getting the Royal treatment until you're better" Ryan said to Aislinn.

"But at what cost?" Rei asked. "There's a catch. There has to be."

After seeing they weren't going to speak, Darius continued on, answering Rei's question without having been asked. "In exchange, you will agree to spar the Captain of my guard in hand-to-hand combat, and, if I so desire, myself as well. If you are able to prove yourself worthy...We will induct you and your family into the Royal Pack, whereupon on your sixteenth birthday, you will be given a position as a Royal Guard" he explained, once more pausing for questions.

"No!" Rei blurted out, surprising everyone, including herself.

"Pardon me?" Darius demanded with an angry frown, clearly not expecting a negative response.

"Apologies, your Majesty...But, with all due respect, I don't want either of my sons to become members of the King's guard. It's too dangerous" she explained, hoping he'd be able to feel her sincerity. Additionally, but unsaid, she also didn't want her family being a part of the Royal pack. For starters, she and Aislinn couldn't stay men forever! And she figured that Aislinn would have issue taking on a position of guarding the man who had been responsible for so much of her pain.

No, they couldn't accept this deal.

"Er...Dad, with all due respect to you" Aislinn piped up, before the King could respond. "You can't control my fate, and this sounds like an offer most wolves could only dream of. It would let me take care of you two, we wouldn't have to constantly be alert or sleep on the ground, we'd finally have a home!" She stressed.

Meanwhile, through mind-link, she added "and we'd have access to the palace until I'm back to 100%! We can't turn down such an amazing opportunity, mom!"

Rei couldn't deny that she was right. She chewed her bottom lip anxiously, considering the options open to them. They could agree while Aislinn healed, which was certainly safer and cleaner than the forest they usually lived in. Additionally, they had come to discover who was behind the betrayal that likely led to the vampire attack...Would they ever find an opportunity like this again?

Darius regarded Rei thoughtfully. Despite receiving unexpected opposition to this plan, he had to admit that the King's guard could be dangerous. Especially with this latest development...Something was happening, and he didn't know what. Never before had a vampire attack on the Royal pack been recorded. How could it be happening now?

He decided to add more encouragement. Surely the father and older son could be swayed if he showered them with enough luxuries to emphasize all that they'd been missing in their lives. All he needed was time to give them that encouragement, which he'd have while waiting for Aislinn to fully heal.

"How about this, then? In thanks for your assistance...You will still be treated as esteemed guests, and the boy will stay here to heal. Once he has returned to 100%, he will still have the option to spar my Captain, and possibly myself. Should he choose to, great! A position may be offered to him...If he does not wish to, though, you will all be free to leave" Darius offered, presenting it so they had nothing to lose.

Before Rei or Ryan could consider the implications of the offer, though, Aislinn answered for them all.

With a grin on her face, and Rei's concerns being alleviated, she didn't give it a second thought. They'd be in the palace to try to find all manner of clues, and she'd be able to recover in peace while Rei and Ryan had time to research. It was too perfect to pass up.

And so, with a grin, Aislinn replied "you have yourself a deal, your Majesty."

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