Chapter 54

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Ryan was beyond confused. The King's mother came onto him so strongly without a word, and was angry when he shot her down. Did she usually throw herself at men like this? And was she rarely shot down? Why did she cover her anger so quickly? Something felt off.

Still, when she commented that he'd already met his mate, it took him by surprise. With his attention shifted to the comment, his mind once again focused on Aislinn. "Something like that" he murmured. "Really, though, I just want to get back to my family. My brother was literally dying when I left to find the Captain. I mean no disrespect, ma'am; I just want to check on him" he explained, hoping to avoid angering her further.

She waved her hand at him, dismissing him as if she hadn't just been trying to seduce him. "Very well, go be at your brother's side. I told you the doctors would take care of him; but, I guess you're not one to be distracted" she muttered. "My guard will see you back to the medical wing" she added, lying down on the loveseat with an arm draped over her eyes, exemplifying her boredom.

Ryan was extremely perplexed by the woman. Had she no respect for her mate? He didn't understand. Regardless, he didn't want to risk the opportunity to leave, in case Shaela thought he was second-guessing his decision. "Thank you, ma'am. Again...Sorry to be, uh, distracted" he mumbled, backing away from her and towards the door.

Shaela peeked an eye out at him from under her arm, frowning. "Ah. Yes. This...You understand nobody will believe you if you speak of it, right? Don't be dumb, and stay quiet" she ordered, before closing her eye again.

Ryan didn't answer, he just nodded and exited the room. He spun around and nearly slammed into the guard who was waiting for him. Despite Shaela's displeasure, the guard seemed quite pleased to be escorting Ryan away from her. This gave him the impression that he was perhaps not the first that Shaela had tried, or maybe even succeeded in seducing.

"Mom? How is she?" He asked once he was confident the guard was leading him the right way.

"I don't know" Rei answered, heartbreak clear in her voice. "Nobody has told me anything. The beeping noise stopped; but, I don't know if that's good or bad...I haven't felt our connection break, though, so she's still alive at least."

"I'll be there soon, mom" Ryan assured her, and the two fell silent.

Shaela's guard finally allowed Ryan to walk alone once he was brought back to the medical wing. Ryan pondered what had happened to date, and was continuing to happen under their noses in the short time since they'd arrived at the Royal pack. No wonder his mother had said it was dangerous...The walls had ears, and you didn't know who to trust. It was very disconcerting, and Ryan was looking forward to when they'd be able to return to the peace and calm of the forest again.

He pushed those thoughts aside, though, when he turned the corner and saw his mother sitting in a small chair outside of Aislinn's room. She was hunched over, her head in her hands, the picture of misery. Ryan brought a chair over to sit beside her and share in her misery.

"Still nothing?" He asked gently.

"Nothing" she whispered through mind-link miserably. "What did they do to her? How could I let this happen? We never should have come here."

Ryan patted her back gently, not sure who was watching, so he had to be cautious. "She would have come here, mom...With or without us. None of this is your fault, we all knew there were dangers here" he said, trying to reason with her emotions.

Rei didn't respond; but, judging from her body language, Ryan knew he wasn't getting through to her. He let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair, feeling lost, helpless and confused.

The mother and son sat in a miserable silence for what felt like eons. Finally, though, the silence was broken by the doctor walking out of the room with a perplexed look on his face. Finding himself face-to-face with Aislinn's family, he paled a bit.

"Ah! You're here...I was about to send for you" he began nervously.

Rei didn't notice, too worried about what the doctor might say; but, Ryan did sense that the doctor was acting a little off. Still, he was dying for news on Aislinn. Rei beat him to asking, though.

"How is he?" She demanded anxiously.

"Well, you see...I'm not sure what caused it; so, I couldn't do much to help without being concerned I'd cause more damage. We were mostly just keeping his heart going with compressions and...Well, he seems to be recovering from whatever occurred" he said, perspiration collecting on his brow the longer he spoke.

"Can you do a blood test or something, check for poisons? We saw someone suspicious leaving his room" Ryan said, frowning in displeasure to hear that the King's own medical staff had been so useless. Did they plan on just letting Aislinn die?!

"I bet that was exactly their plan" Kenji growled in reply to Ryan's thoughts.

"Yes! Yes, of course. If that's the case, we should alert the King's guard and—" the doctor started saying, rushing through his words; however, Rei cut him off.

"No. I no longer feel my son is safe in your hands. I demand that you release him, and let me care for him myself! He should be better by now" she all but growled at the doctor.

"I'm sorry, sir, that's not possible. The King specifically ordered that—" the doctor tried again; but, again, was cut off by Rei.

"I don't care what the King said, he's my son and I demand you release him to my care! You have allowed him to be mistreated directly under your nose when we put our trust in you. If his majesty has an issue with me taking him, then—" Rei had been saying, after standing and growing closer and closer to the doctor in a menacing stance. She was done with the palace, and she was going to get Aislinn and leave; or, that was her plan. Her plan was shattered, though, when a deep voice startled everyone by cutting her off.

"As a matter of fact, I do have an issue with you taking him. So now what?" Challenged the cool, commanding tone of King Darius.

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