Chapter 50

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Ryan was surprised to hear her mention his father. He'd asked for information on him countless times over the years; but, the broken look in his mother's eyes always stopped him from pressing further. It was breaking his heart to see that look returning to her eyes; but, the fact that they were in the face of a man, and had been altered slightly by Gwen's magic, was making it easier to deal with. In addition, she was the one telling him, and he wasn't asking specifically for details of his father; so, he let her continue.

"I won't go into detail of our meeting; but...Your father was close to the members of the Royal family. He was high ranking, and immediately wanted me to return to be with him in the Royal pack. He offered to bring Reinhold as well; but...My brother refused. He insisted on rebuilding the Titan pack, and wanted us to stay to help him" she explained sadly, looking down at their joined hands. "He was so broken, and trying to cling to any shred of our home that he could...I was the last of his family, and he didn't want me to leave him. I was torn...I wanted to be with my mate; but, how could I leave my brother after everything we'd just been through? So I told my mate we'd be together some day...Just not yet."

Ryan's eyes widened. "You were willing to pick your brother over your mate?" He asked in shock, wondering how such close siblings could end up as they now were.

Rei nodded, more tears spilling down her cheeks. "I wasn't going to abandon him, and he refused to leave; but...Due to my mate's misery, the Royal family stepped in. They seized our land...It was only meant to be temporary, until my brother overcame his grief and was able to build a new pack; but, he saw it as them taking his birthright from him. He felt they were stealing our lands, and kicking us while we were down...Ultimately, he blamed your father...And when I refused to reject my mate, he blamed me, too" she explained, letting go of Ryan's hand to cover her face as she was finally unable to hold back the tears. Sobs wracked her body, as she relived the feelings from over two decades ago.

Ryan felt helpless as he watched his mother cry. In an effort to help, he got up to find some tissues and brought her a glass of water. By the time he returned to her side, she had been able to recompose herself.

"Thank you" she whispered as she took the water and sipped it quietly, staring at the ground with her puffy, red eyes.

"So that's why you don't want him to recognize you?" Ryan asked, burning with questions about his father. How did his mother become a lone wolf if his father was friends with such powerful people? What happened to his father?

Rei nodded, grabbing a tissue to blow her nose. "Yes...He never forgave me for abandoning him. He disappeared, and despite my best efforts, I never saw him again. I was afraid he'd gone rogue...So to see him here, serving the Royal family of all things...Well, it was shocking, and certainly the last thing I'd ever expected" she admitted.

A silence fell between the two of them as Ryan mulled over the information he'd been given, and Rei dabbed at her tears and blew her nose some more. Ryan eventually looked at her, and was about to say something when Rei began to speak again.

"I know this likely raises a lot of questions for you" she said, finally looking into his eyes since breaking down. "Especially about your dad" she added in a near-whisper.

Ryan'a eyes widened, shocked she'd bring it up; but, he nodded in agreement, since she was right.

"I can't bring myself to tell you everything just yet...But, you deserve to know...He's still alive, and still living in the Royal pack. It's why I was so hesitant, and so afraid to come here...And another reason why I panicked when I saw Reinhold. If anyone was to recognize me...Or you...I just don't want to think what would happen" she explained cryptically.

Ryan thought he'd been surprised to learn he had an uncle; but now, he was learning his father was alive! His whole life, he'd believed his father must have died if he and his mom were left to living as lone wolves. Despite his complete and utter shock at this, though, Ryan frowned. The main thought running through his head was why his mother was afraid to see his father. "Mom...Was be abusive? Why are you so afraid of him? Can you at least tell me that?" He asked carefully, trying to temper his building rage with his concern for Rei's mental health.

She shook her head fervently. "No! No, he wasn't abusive, honey. He was always gentle, and kind, and so attentive...We were so happy together; until, one day...He rejected me, and I was banished from the pack."

"What? Why would he reject you? That makes no sense! Something had to have happened" Ryan reasoned with a frown.

"No...Not something. Someone. A woman...One day she walked into his life, and then...I was out" she said, giving Ryan a sad smile. "There's more to it than that; but...That's the gist of it. Thankfully, he didn't know that I was pregnant with you...The timing was a blessing to me. It's entirely selfish of me; but, you were my reason for being...If he knew you existed, he'd have taken you from me, I'm sure of it. He loved kids, and always spoke of having a big family...So, I've lived in fear of the day that he finds out about you. I wish I could have given you the life he would have been able to...And I regret that you've had to live as a lone wolf because of my selfishness...But, I hope you'll find some way to forgive me for robbing you of a better upbringing, baby" she said tearfully, staring into the face of her son, fear clear in her eyes.

Ryan's eyes, though, were ablaze with anger and hatred. "Mom, I am glad you saved me from such a selfish jerk. I only ask that you tell me who he is, and how to find him. He deserves to know I exist...And I deserve to beat the shit out of him for what he's done to you."

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