Chapter 43

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"Shit!" Aislinn cursed, instinctively taking a step back to add more distance between her and the vampire.

Watching her closely, the vampire let out an eerie chuckle while pushing the door open. He walked in slowly, as if he knew his prey wasn't going to escape. "Well, well, well...What do we have here?" He asked quietly, tilting his head to the side in mock curiosity as he examined the two werewolves before him. His head was shaved, showing off even more of that deathly pale skin that contrasted so starkly with his blood-red eyes.

"Vampire" the drunkard growled, plopping back on his butt suddenly. After a moment, it became apparent that he was trying to undress himself. He began rolling from side to side while wrestling with his sweatpants, grunting and growling as he did.

Aislinn couldn't believe the situation she found herself in. She had decided to save a random stranger and put her life at risk while knowing full-well vampires were on the attack. Regardless, even if the vampire gave her the choice to leave the drunkard and flee...She knew she wouldn't. This was the choice she made because it was the right thing to do. She'd see it through to the end...Even if it was the true end.

Sizing up her opponent, Aislinn knew she'd have to fight the vampire solo. What should her strategy be? As an unshifted werewolf, she would have a hard time fighting a vampire. Even the weakest vampire would be faster and stronger than her, with better reflexes and senses. This was a battle she'd have to win with intelligence.

"Well...He won't be much fun" the vampire said lazily with a shrug. "Still, a dead wolf is a good wolf" he added with a smirk. Then, without warning, he was on Aislinn.

She gasped and tried to jump back at the last second, which potentially saved her a cracked rib or two. Despite that, it didn't save the rest, as the vampire all but materialized before her and landed a heavy blow to her ribs. The wind was knocked out of her, and in the blinding pain of it all, she had a brief moment to think "not a weaker vampire" as she was knocked off her feet.

Unsure of how to control her fall to minimize the pain, she began to twist in the air to try to avoid landing on her back. Unfortunately, the vampire didn't let her land. Instead, he added insult to her literal injury, and kicked her in the ribs to send her careening towards the drunkard before she hit the ground.

The now-pantsless drunkard was unable to see Aislinn, given that his shirt was half pulled over his head with his arms tangled in his sleeves. So, he didn't know what hit him when Aislinn slammed into him and sent them both toppling down.

Thankfully, the vampire was only messing with them, and paused to laugh at the sight before him. "Oh, this is just pathetic" he said through his laughter. "What's wrong, wolfy? Don't want to come out and play?" He taunted Aislinn.

Unfortunately for her, she found herself entangled with a growling, thrashing drunk. He slurred curses and shouted, mistaking Aislinn for the enemy. Before Aislinn could reply to the vampire's taunt, or calm her flailing ally, he cracked her over the head with a powerful double axe handle motion.

Darkness swiftly overtook Aislinn's vision. She internally clawed at the reality that drifted away from her, trying to cling to consciousness, and fight off the unconsciousness that swallowed her.

No! I can't die! Not here, please! She cried out to her own consciousness, pleading with something she knew would have no response. And yet, to her amazement, it did.

"Fear not, my darling girl. This is not your time" a disembodied voice replied.

After a long, startled moment, Aislinn managed to whisper a single word. "How?"

How was she hearing this voice? How did it know she wasn't going to die? How did she inexplicably know that it was another person, and not her own craziness replying? It was true, though. She knew. This was real, even though she could never have explained how she knew.

Seeming to understand what she meant by her simple question, there was a soft chuckle from the feminine voice before it responded. "I cannot answer such a vast question in the time we have, I'm afraid" it said with a soft sigh. "I am simply here to guide you. Deep within you resides a great power; one that is feared by all. You have grazed its surface before; but, it is time you embrace it and learn to wield it."

As if on cue, a fire in the darkness blazed to life. Drawn to it like a moth, Aislinn found herself drifting closer until she was startled by water. Looking down, thanks to the light cast by the flame, she could see her feet were now submerged to her ankles in cool water. She stepped back, but only one foot left the water while the other became trapped in ice.

"What?" Aislinn gasped in confusion.

"They take time, practice, and respect; but, the elements are bound to you. They are drawn to you; but, you must learn to control them or they will merely torment you with the games they like to play" the mystery woman explained, a softness in her voice as she spoke of the elements gave the impression that she held a great fondness for them. "Your Oraculi will be able to help you more. I must leave you now."

"My what?" Aislinn demanded, looking now at the vine that was winding its way out of the water to wrap around her leg. She was beginning to panic, feeling trapped.

"They will not harm you. They are just greeting you. You must take control. Good bye, my dear" the voice said, with the final words no more than a whisper on the wind.

Speaking of the wind, it had picked up around Aislinn and was adding to her panic. It blew in circles around her head, like a mini tornado, making it impossible for her to breathe. She was held in place, the ice and vine trapping her and the wind suffocating her. Just when she felt it couldn't get worse, a flash of lightning hit the water and shot electricity through her entire being.

Unsure how, she found the air to scream in a pure panic. "Help!"

As if wanting to add to her misery, the flame before her blazed to life and began to engulf every corner of her vision. Her heart hammered hard in her chest, wanting desperately to escape whatever fresh Hell was about to rain down upon its host.

As if sharing her fears, the ice melted and the water evaporated. The vine shrivelled away and disappeared into the blackness of the ground she stood on. No longer was her airway obstructed by the pulsing winds of the tornado; but, instead the stifling heat made the air she greedily gulped in burn at her lungs.

She watched, partly in awe, and partly in fear as the fire and lightning seemed to fight. The lightning crackled, striking at different parts of the flame; but, the fire merely absorbed its heat and grew stronger from it. As she witnessed the impossible and terrifying battle, something dawned on her.

If the fire intended to harm her, she'd have been burnt to a crisp by now. It came to life in response to her cry for help, and chased the other elements away.

She gasped. The fire was protecting her.

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