Chapter 30

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After playing around with Ryan, Aislinn had returned to the fire so she could cook her breakfast. She hadn't wanted to leave him so soon; but, Ryan wanted to let Kenji have a run, and her stomach was protesting.

After retrieving a rabbit from within the cave, Aislinn plopped down by the fireside where Drystan still stood. She glanced at him while beginning to skin the rabbit.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked with a grin, returning her attention back to her breakfast.

Drystan shifted his gaze from the fire, to Aislinn's head. He considered bringing up the earlier scenario; but, he figured that Aislinn would have less of an idea of what happened than he did. So, instead, he opted for a question that had been in the back of his mind.

"How old are you, Aislinn Jones?" He asked.

Aislinn froze in her movements briefly, surprised by the question. After a moment, she began working on the rabbit, realizing that it was only a matter of time before Drystan realized something was off.

"That's up for debate" she answered honestly, but evasively.

"Why is that?" Drystan asked, moving to stand so that he could see Aislinn's expressions. He kept a healthy distance from the fire, though.

"Well...As you know, I'm not your average werewolf. Rei thinks that because of that, my parents may have lied about my birthday or just my age to try to protect me from something. I should have turned sixteen already; but...You've probably noticed, I don't have a wolf" she explained with a nonchalant shrug. Despite her efforts to seem unbothered, though, Drystan was able to pick up on the hurt in her voice.

"So Rei believes that you are not yet sixteen...How old do you believe you are?" He continued, wanting to understand the situation to try to help Aislinn.

Aislinn paused again, looking up at Drystan with a small smile. "I was born in winter...Although mom told me she felt like my birthdays always brought weather to suit my mood instead of relying on typical winter weather" she said, her eyes drifting to the fire as she relished the memories of her mother. "Sometimes the day would be beautiful, sunny but still brisk...Other times you'd think it was summer...And then other days would be blizzards...She'd tease me, and call me her weather witch, because it was only ever the day of my birthday. I never took it seriously...And I don't think she did, either. Maybe she was onto something, though...In a little less than a week, from the birthday I've known my whole life, I should be seventeen. Tell me, though, Drystan...How many seventeen-year-old werewolves have no wolf, and aren't hurt by silver?" She asked quietly, her mood dropping by the moment with this topic of conversation.

Drystan felt guilty for bringing up a topic he hadn't anticipated causing her such sadness. "Regardless of your age, whether you have your wolf, or whether silver harms you...You are, indeed, a werewolf, Aislinn. Your scent would have given you away otherwise...You can clearly tell that, despite being born a werewolf...My scent is, now, overwhelmingly vampire" he explained slowly, wanting her to understand. "If you were a witch, a vampire, a human, or...Some new species, your scent would not be so cleanly and clearly that of a werewolf."

Aislinn nodded, staring at the fire a bit longer before she went back to her rabbit. "So Drystan..." she began, skewering the rabbit on her spit.

"Yes?" He finally asked after her pause drew out too long.

"What do werewolves smell like?" She asked, her grin from before returning to her face. "Do we smell as bad to you, as vampires smell to us?"

Drystan felt relief wash over him, seeing that Aislinn's playful mood had returned. Following her lead, he nodded his head. "Unfortunately, yes. You smell abundantly of mustiness and...Corn chips" he replied.

"Corn chips?!" Aislinn demanded with a laugh.

"Yes" he replied. "I believe some humans call it 'Frito Feet' in their pet dogs" he added.

Aislinn burst out laughing. "Oh, come on! We don't really smell like corn chips, do we?!"

"That we do" retorted Rei with a chuckle, walking over to them from the woods. She was pulling a shirt over her head as she appeared, suggesting she'd just shifted. "He's not the first one I've heard that from" Rei added, seeing Aislinn's confused expression. "I don't think we smell like Fritos."

"Who told you that?" Aislinn asked.

"Witches here and there" Rei replied, sitting down beside Aislinn. "On the topic of scents, though..." she hesitated, looking at Drystan.

"Ah. I assume this is where I must take my leave?" The vampire asked, understanding the segue.

"Unfortunately...We are nearing the territory of the Royal Pack. We need time for your scent to go away, or they'll skewer us the moment we place a toe into their lands" she explained, checking Aislinn's skewered meet to ensure it was cooking evenly.

"Understood" was Drystan's simple reply.

"Wait, how are we going to find you once we come out?" Aislinn demanded, not wanting to lose her new friend.

"I will be waiting, and I will find you" Drystan assured her.

"How can you be so sure? Maybe we should make a plan to meet somewhere or something to be safe" she argued.

Rei patted her leg, understanding her concerns. "It's okay, sweetheart. He found us once, and I'm certain he'll find us once again. We may cause him undue concern if we plan to meet somewhere, and our timing is off. Who knows what we will encounter in the Royal pack, after all?"

Aislinn couldn't argue with the logic; but, she definitely didn't like it. She sighed, nodding her head before looking at Drystan. "Where will you go?"

"I will do my own investigation into the oddities of your situation, if you have no objection" he replied.

"If you do that, don't you dare raise suspicion about her, or bring any attention her way" Rei cut in, her motherly tone suddenly changing to a threatening tone, warning the vampire without saying what she'd do if he dared bring danger to her kids.

"I promise you, I will take the utmost precaution...Aislinn's well-being is now one of the most important aspects of my life. You forget...I am alone in this world, and would not risk the one friend I do have" Drystan offered to comfort the overprotective mother.

Rei was simultaneously comforted and saddened by the vampire's words. She realized that she wasn't alone, and had to stop Aislinn from getting up to approach him.

"Scent" was Rei's one word explanation.

Aislinn let out a sigh, understanding. "I can't even give him a good bye hug?"

Rei shook her head, and was happy to hear Drystan speak up.

"It is for your safety that we keep as much distance as possible for now...I will take my leave, please stay safe. All of you" he said, giving a respectful bow.

"You too, Drystan! You'd better come back and find us!" Aislinn called after him as he began walking away.

And like that, Drystan disappeared into the trees to begin his solo journey - a journey to learn about elemental witches.

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