Chapter 22

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Aislinn felt a strange shift, as if she went from her physical body to one she had no control of. What was this?

She felt herself move, and look around; but, it was as if she was just a passenger in a vehicle, along for the ride. Her confusion, though, heightened when she realized the hands she was seeing before her were absolutely not her own. They looked large, and manly, adorned with a golden ring where a familiar crest was engraved into it. She didn't have time to focus on that; though, as all her focus abruptly shifted to what was before her. She was touching a rogue, pulling its lips back to check its teeth.

"Good. Now we can see what these Jaws can do" came the deep, manly voice of her host. She found herself looking at another man to her immediate right, and nodding. "Let the experiments begin" her host said with a dark chuckle.

She had no time to register what she was seeing, really; nor why. Instead, she found herself snapping out of what felt like a daze, back in her own body.

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