Chapter 9

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That was what Aislinn thought of at first, because she felt swallowed up by the darkness. She was confused, looking around, when the familiar voice began speaking.

"It was a success, darling. The Jaws work, and we got rid of that nuisance family."

This woman haunted Aislinn's dreams for years, and she didn't understand why. Sometimes she could see the woman while she spoke, but most times the woman was shrouded in darkness like now. Her existence, and her words never made sense to Aislinn, so she mostly forgot about her when her dreaming stopped. Even when she did dream of her in the past, she usually just appreciated the fact that it wasn't a nightmare.

"Yes, that Waters idiot doesn't realize what he's done" the woman said with a horrible laugh.

This caught Aislinn's attention. The Waters idiot? Did she mean Alpha Waters?

"His strongest and smartest are dead and gone, and he only has kids and old dogs to protect his pack now" the mystery woman continued, still snickering.

Aislinn's blood pounded in her ears, and her breathing picked up. She didn't understand everything, but she suspected the woman was talking about her mom and dad being gone from the pack. Was it on purpose? Did someone plan to kill her parents all along?

"Yes, don't be hasty. If we take more than a couple at a time, Waters may realize what's happening. Be patient, one or two are enough for testing, and when the time is right...We just take out the rest of the pack" the mystery woman said, and her nonchalance stabbed Aislinn through the heart.

Then that pain radiated out, going to her shoulder down to her bellybutton. She gasped from the sudden onslaught of pain, and it was enough to wake her.

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