Chapter 71

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Hope bloomed within Aislinn's chest as the King's lips crashed down on hers, and for a few moments she decided to let herself hold onto it. And him. Maybe she'd been misunderstanding him this whole time, and he would be able to be swayed. So, shyly, she leaned into the kiss and returned it.

Darius took this as a sign of consent, and brushed his tongue over her lips to seek permission. Though inexperienced, Aislinn understood and with a blush, met his tongue with hers, letting him guide her into a passionate kiss. Before long, Darius leaned back to sit upright and pulled Aislinn along with him, hauling her into his lap while never breaking his lips from hers. He pulled her tight against him, his arms wrapped around her with a hand on her lower back, and the other reaching up to tangle in her long hair. Responding similarly, Aislinn wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself tighter to him.

Having never been kissed before, there were many things Aislinn similarly had never experienced. So, she hadn't properly considered it when she was pulled into the naked lap of the werewolf King, while only wearing the shirt that Drystan had left her. Darius let out a soft growl and grabbed her butt, using it to pull her harder against him. It was in that moment that his hardened desire for her rubbed against her core, and she realized her mistake. She let out a gasp of surprise and pulled back, trying to escape his lap.

"No, stop. This is wrong" she said, trying to catch her breath. "I'm not your mate."

Darius didn't immediately release her, his eyes ablaze with desire as he stared back at her. "You don't know that" he countered.

"No, because I'm not old enough to meet my mate. And I don't even have my wolf. I'm too young for you" she said, pleading her case to be let go from the mess she felt she was causing.

"Many mates have had larger age gaps" he argued, still not loosening his grip on her. "The way you speak, the things you say...You'd be a wonderful Queen" he whispered, ducking his head down to kiss her neck.

Aislinn shivered at the little kisses he dabbed along her neck, goosebumps rising along her skin from the pleasurable feeling. "N-no" she gasped, trying to ignore how he was making her feel. "I can't do this to my mate, or my future Queen."

With a defeated sigh, Darius released her and let her scramble away to collect herself. He was amused by how red she'd become, clearly embarrassed and flustered by the situation.

"Apologies" he said with a smirk. "I got carried away...I truly could see you becoming my Queen, though" he added in his own defence.

"You hardly know me" she shot back, beginning to pace back and forth as what just happened really sunk in. "And if I am your Queen, I'd want to know you waited for me" she said with a frown.

He seemed to be on the verge of saying something in reply to that; but, bit his tongue for a moment before speaking. "You're right. Again, I apologize, and appreciate you putting a stop to things" he said with a smile.

Aislinn shook her head, trying to remind herself that she wasn't supposed to trust him yet. Not until she knew what happened with Drystan, and probably not until she was reunited with Rei and Ryan.


Her stomach dropped. What would he think of what she'd just done? He'd probably be so disappointed in her. Not that long ago she'd still been in denial that the King was her mate, and yet here she was making out with him in the woods. Her embarrassment turned to shame and she turned back to Darius.

"I think we should rest now, like you originally suggested" she said, hugging herself self-consciously. "Then we can travel by night, it'll probably be safer."

"Safer why?" The King asked with a raised eyebrow. "Wouldn't daylight be best, then we avoid vampires, and rogues seem less active based on the reports I receive" he reasoned.

Aislinn shrugged, looking at the forest around her. "That's all true; but, wouldn't you rather be awake when they are active? If we rest at night, we will be on constant alert. Evenings are best for activity when you're a lone wolf" she admitted, giving him a wry smile since she was highlighting the vast differences between them.

"Hm...Fair point" he conceded, then walked towards her.

Uncertain of his plans, she tensed up at his approach; but, refused to back away. This gained her a smile from him, and he merely dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "You've only convinced me further that you're my Queen" he said with a soft chuckle, followed by "let me get us something to eat before we rest."

Aislinn turned to watch the King shift into the largest wolf she'd ever seen, with beautiful, golden-blonde fur that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. The wolf turned to face her, his golden eyes staring into her own as if trying to bore into her soul. Eventually, though, he turned his back to her and gracefully disappeared through the trees to find them some game for their dinner. Once he was gone, Aislinn let out a groan and walked over to sit by a tree. She felt so confused, and she hated it; so, she tried to refocus her thoughts.

The mysterious woman who showed her those two scenes. Who was she? What was the purpose of what the woman showed her?

Drystan. She'd felt such a strong bond to him, and he'd never done anything before to make her believe he'd betray her. Sure, she had only known him for a short time, but...She felt like they'd been friends for ages. Did she truly believe he'd try to kill her?

And if she didn't, what about Darius? Was he lying to her? He seemed to be telling the truth, and opening up to her. The things he was sharing made her feel that he was becoming comfortable opening up to her. Was it all a show? Or was it because she'd risked her safety to help him, like he'd said?

Ryan. Rei. Why was she still unable to communicate with them? She was so worried; but, since she hadn't heard from Gwen, she was hoping everything was okay. Looking down at her hand, she affectionately rubbed the bite marks that proved she was a lone wolf, and decided that she'd try to contact Gwen once she fell asleep.

Once Darius returned, the two ate quickly before agreeing it was time to sleep, so he shifted into his wolf again to curl around Aislinn protectively. Despite her anxiety and confusion, she was quick to drift off to sleep while enveloped in the plush, warm fur of the King.

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