Chapter 60

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*Trigger warning. Mature content involving attempted sexual assault below*

Muttering curses to himself, the first vampire gingerly poked his head into the room, his nose scrunched up from the powerful stench of the silver. He glanced first at Darius, seeing the wolf was still alive, and still unconscious. Next, he looked to the boy werewolf they had captured alongside the King, and saw he was awake and at the bars.

After a brief short-circuiting of his brain, though, the vampire realized that it was not a werewolf boy; but, some kind of woman at the bars. He rushed forward into the room with a frown, walking as close to the cage as he dared, startling the woman and making her cry in the process.

"What the Hell is this? Who are you?! Where did the boy go?!" He shouted, angry and confused while also a bit panicked. If he and his colleague lost one of the mutts, they'd be in deep trouble.

"M-my name is Aislinn" Aislinn sobbed, sinking to her knees. "I don't know what happened! I was at home with my friend, and then I blinked and was here! What's going on?! Where am I?! Who are you?!" She demanded through hiccups and tears.

The vampire anxiously rubbed the back of his neck, not sure what to do. He stared hard at her hands and could tell that he wasn't dealing with a werewolf, or she'd be burnt by now.

"Hey! Get in here, we have a problem!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"The Hell kind of problem could we possibly have? Quit screwing around" his annoyed companion shot back.

"No, seriously, there's a girl in here!" He insisted.

"That's not possible" the second argued back, peeking his head in, clearly pissed off. His entire demeanour changed, though, when he saw Aislinn. "What the..."

"I told you!" The first vampire hissed, looking back at Aislinn. "She's no wolf, or she'd be burnt to a crisp...She ain't a vampire. So witch or human?" He asked, not directing the question to anyone and just hoping for an answer.

"What? Of course I'm not a wolf! Vampires? Witches? What are you talking about? They don't exist, I'm a human, of course!" She insisted with believable fear on her face. "Please, I don't know what you want from me!"

"If she was a witch, she'd be about as useless as a human in here...There's that blocker on, so..." the second vampire reasoned, trailing off with a smirk on his face.

Seeing that the second vampire was falling for the bait, Aislinn pressed herself against the cage strategically. She had both breasts now pushing out towards the vampires in what she hoped was a manner to entice them to move closer. "Please...Help me, I'll do anything" she pled desperately.

The second vampire grabbed the key out of the first vampire's pocket, causing him to shout out in protest.

"What are you doing?!" He demanded angrily, trying to get the key back.

"Helping her out" the second said, keeping as far away from the bars as he could while sliding the steel key into the lock. "There, sweetheart, let yourself out" he ordered, backing away to the entrance of the room.

The first, still not sure what was happening; but, not willing to start a fight in a room with silver, backed up with his companion. Meanwhile, with a meek nod and many tearful thanks uttered, Aislinn reached through the bars and unlocked the door. With a heave, she swung the heavy door open and stepped out of it.

The second vampire eyed her body hungrily, nudging the first. "She's a pretty one, isn't she?"

Aislinn stopped in her tracks, as if this wasn't her plan all along, and looked horrified. "What—" she began; but, the second vampire grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her out of the room.

The first vampire, finally clueing in, had wide eyes at first, then let out a laugh. "Ah, okay, yeah this might make the time pass faster if we have something to occupy ourselves with...But, shouldn't we find the boy first?" He pointed out, still letting his sense overrule his desire.

"You go find him then" the second said, slamming Aislinn up against the rocky wall once he'd dragged her far enough away.

Aislinn let out a cry as she was pinned to the wall, struggling weakly to keep up the act. Internally, though, her rage was building towards these monsters who would hurt an unarmed young woman in such a cruel and vile way.

"Well let's take turns, then. You go look for him, and when I'm done with her, we'll swap" the second said with a laugh, unbuckling the belt to his jeans.

Aislinn turned her head, pupils aglow like burning embers, watching the first vampire scurry down the hall while cursing about missing mutts. She smirked and stopped struggling, then said quietly "you know, I told you I'd do anything..."

The vampire hesitated, this catching his attention. "You did..." he agreed, his interest piqued.

"So...Wouldn't it be better for both of us if you let go of my hands? Then I could use them" Aislinn reasoned, her heart pounding in her chest as her plan was nearing its climax.

The vampire chuckled, underestimating Aislinn since he figured she was just a human, or at best a physically-feeble witch. He let go of her and forced her to turn around so he could take a look over her again. "I suppose that would be better, wouldn't it?" He asked rhetorically, dropping his pants and boxers to the ground.

Aislinn kept her head lowered, but his nudity made her blush. She'd seen plenty of nudity as a werewolf before; but, never had she been in a sexual position where the nudity meant anything. Although she intended on killing the vampire before he had a chance to do anything to her, the fact that he was aroused by her, and she could see that arousal made it difficult not to blush.

The vampire leaned in and inhaled, taking in her scent; but, then pulled back with a frown. "God, you certainly smell like a mutt" he complained.

Aislinn looked up and placed a hand on his uncomfortably cold cheek while leaning in before he caught sight of her eyes. Channeling her anger, she pulled at the fiery ball of hatred that she'd been building in her chest and let it twine its way down her arm to her hand. Her pupils glowed brightly as she whispered "because I'm a werewolf" and she unleashed her inferno.

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