Chapter 25

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Immediately after Drystan spoke those words, before Aislinn could even register her shock, Rei was interjecting.

"No, it's not possible" she insisted.

"I can understand how you—" Drystan began, but Rei cut him off.

"You don't understand, though. According to Aislinn, these dreams have gone on her entire life. You said yourself that only one Oracle can exist at a time...The Oracle currently lives, she sought refuge in the Royal Pack after the slaughter of the Moon Thread pack" she explained.

Drystan stared at Rei curiously, while Ryan spoke up. "So then it's impossible for Ash to be an Oracle? What if the Oracle died or something and we just don't know? It'd explain a lot about what's going on with her" he reasoned.

"No, she wouldn't have had the dreams for as long as she has had...And I believe the Oracle can control their power, can't they?" Rei asked Drystan.

"In my experience, yes, this is true...Although it may be through some form of training that they gain such control" Drystan suggested.

"Who can train an Oracle when there's no Oracle to train them?" Ryan asked, not actually expecting there to be an answer.

"Every Oracle had a trusted counterpart who knew the inner workings and secrets of the Oracle's abilities...It would stand to reason that this person could feasibly pass on that knowledge, I would assume" Drystan replied, although now he was just speculating.

"What if both died together? Seems like a stupid setup" Ryan retorted, not meaning to sound as rude as he did.

"Ryan" his mother chastised, before turning her attention back to Drystan. "Regardless, I don't think it's possible that Aislinn is the next Oracle. The timeline just doesn't fit, and she has no reason to believe she's from the Moon Thread pack. That said, given what you've told us...I believe we need to go to the Royal Pack next, and there we can perhaps determine if the Oracle is still alive" she suggested hesitantly, then looked to Aislinn who had been quiet in all of this.

Aislinn was staring at the ground, simply taking in the conversation going on before her. She'd never considered being an Oracle before, but it didn't seem to fit properly since not all of her dreams came true, and Rei was right about a lot of things, too. Plus, she was from the Tranquil Waters pack, not the Moon Thread pack...Although, would just having blood from the Moon Thread pack be enough to be an Oracle? Maybe she had a great-great-great ancestor from there. She didn't know what to think, her head was swimming with too many contradictory thoughts.

"Aislinn?" Rei called out, concerned for her adopted daughter.

"Mm?" Aislinn murmured, finally looking up and breaking free from her thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Rei asked with a frown, walking closer to her to make sure she was okay.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay...It's just a lot to process and think about...The stuff about my Alpha, and my dreams, and this Oracle stuff" she admitted, shaking her head before offering Rei a smile. "Just a bit overwhelmed."

Rei nodded and pulled her into a hug. "Don't you worry, we'll get everything sorted out. I wanted to protect you both from the Royal Pack; but...Given the information about Waters, I think we should at least start heading in that direction. I have a friend nearby who I want to see, too...She may be able to help us figure this out some more" Rei said, kissing the side of Aislinn's head.

Aislinn returned Rei's hug with a small smile, not letting go so she could enjoy the comfort of a mother's embrace. She nodded in agreement to Rei's plan, secretly excited to be going to the Royal Pack since she believed the answers to her questions would all be there.

"Welp, thanks Drystan, guess this is where we part ways since no vamps allowed in the Royal Pack" Ryan said, barely trying to hide his delight at the idea that they'd be rid of the vampire.

"It would be dangerous and unwise for you to follow us" Rei reasoned, agreeing with her son, although not showing her relief. She couldn't deny that so far the vampire had proved to be useful; however, that didn't mean she could or would trust him.

Aislinn was about to protest when Drystan spoke up, surprising Ryan and Rei. "I have long since lost any purpose, and do not fear my own destruction. I will accompany you, simply to add to the protection that I believe Aislinn may need. She is clearly unique...And I fear this may eventually paint a target on her back."

"I don't need protection" Aislinn argued, stepping out of Rei's embrace to face Drystan on this. "I'm different; but, I know not to flaunt it" she argued.

"Forgive me, I don't mean to insinuate that you are incapable of protecting yourself in general; however, I have already demonstrated ways that your companions can be taken out of the equation, whether by witch or vampire. I feel that if someone from either of these races were to present themselves as an enemy, and knock out your friends...You would benefit from my assistance" he explained calmly, trying to avoid insulting Aislinn's pride while simultaneously speaking to reason.

Aislinn sighed and nodded, accepting the truth in his words. "I mean, it's not like I was trying to stop you from coming. I just hate how everyone thinks they have to protect me all the time" she admitted. "I'm sorry, that was kind of rude of me."

"I understand, Aislinn Jones. No need to apologize" Drystan replied, pleased that she was seeing reason. He also couldn't help but notice the change in the demeanour of Rei and Ryan, too. It seemed the werewolves had also heard his reasoning; and, while they weren't happy about it, it seemed that they were going to go along with it.

And so, this unusual band of companions set off towards the territory of the Royal Pack.

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