• chapter three •

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You looked up in disbelief.

"No way..."

That platinum hair with the red streak on the side...

Those soft crimson eyes that you had just seen last night...

It was him.

You were gaping at the boy like a fish, unable to say a word. Was this another hallucination?

It couldn't be. The boy had a bandage on the exact same spot where you had seen a red furrow the night prior.

Finally, after a few moments of staring, he broke the awkward silence.

"Hey, are you alright?" the boy asked out of concern, snapping you out of your daze. "I can help you up, you know..."

You stood up abruptly, ignoring the boy's extended hand.

"I'm fine." you said shortly, snatching your documents from his arms. You might've given him a paper cut, but you didn't care. "If you're okay, I'll be heading off now. I'm already late."

You then walked straight past the boy without another word, your ponytail bobbing high in the air behind you like a squirrel's tail would.

You thought you head a sigh behind you, but at that point, you just ignored it.

Let him feel bad. you thought angrily. After what he did to me last night, he deserves it.

As long as I never see this creep ever again, I'll be fine.


The boy with platinum hair could only watch in disappointment as you walked away from him briskly.

His friend approached him, as he had seen the whole exchange between the two of you.

"Kazuha, what was that all about?"

"Oh..." the boy, Kaedehara Kazuha, murmured sadly. "It's nothing, Heizou."

"Huh." Heizou said, giving a hard glare to your retreating back. "Didn't seem like 'nothing' to me, though. You only bumped into her once and now she acts like you're the scum of the earth."

"Mm." Kazuha muttered, still staring at you, and he knew plainly that you didn't hate him just because he bumped into you.


The nerve of him! you thought angrily, as you plucked a rock from a box. You were supposed to be analyzing the rocks as a simple test, but it was difficult since your vision was clouded with anger.

One night he breaks into my room, scaring me half to death, and the next morning he decides to act as a gentleman. Hmph! you grumbled in your head, slamming your rock under a microscope. I won't be fooled again by that lame facade again.

You were so angry, you didn't realize that someone had sat down next to you. It was Jean.

"Hey there," she said softly. "You arrived late today, your movements have been all jerky, and you've been speaking in a voice that's hard and angry. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

You thought of the events from last night and this morning. Of course you wanted to get things off your chest, but it didn't feel like Jean, your senior, would make it feel right.

"No, Jean." you said. "There's nothing... I just didn't get good sleep last night." Which was partially true, because you had been tossing and turning in bed, reliving the moments of that terrifying night in your dreams.

"Understandable." Jean commented. "The arrival time isn't exactly fixed. You can arrive whenever you like, as long as it's not too late."

"Anyways," Jean continued, "You were so angry that you didn't even hear my announcement earlier. I was saying that Kamisato Ayaka, the sister of the businessman that's financing our next big project, is visiting our lab today. So please, loosen up a little bit. You and Ayaka could probably become good friends."

"Oh... okay." you muttered, looking back at your microscope.

Jean hesitated before getting up and leaving you to your work. It had not been more than five minutes before you felt someone sit down on the bench beside you.

"Yes Jean?" you asked, looking up. But it wasn't Jean who had sat down beside you.

You were looking at a young girl with light blue hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a snowy blue dress that looked very nice (and expensive).

"Hello there." she said kindly. "I'm Kamisato Ayaka. Delighted to meet you. You must be Y/N L/N."

"Hi." you finally were able to muster, unable to stop staring at her outfit.

"I've already finished discussing your group's upcoming alchemy project with Jean." Ayaka said, still smiling brightly. "You looked a little lonely, so I decided to come here and sit with you."

"Oh... thanks." you muttered. You hadn't had friends back in Inazuma, so you weren't sure how to act.

"Would you like to come and get boba with me?" she asked. "My treat... and besides, your colleagues have all left for the day. You've been sitting here alone for hours, and you must be hungry, or thirsty at least."

You fidgeted uncomfortably as your stomach let out a grumble. You loved boba drinks, after all...

"Okay then." you smiled. "Let's go!"

"Great!" Ayaka exclaimed. "So, I assume this means we're friends?"

You were taken aback, but smiled nevertheless.

"Of course."


"Thanks Ayaka! I'll see you tomorrow, then!" you exclaimed, waving goodbye at your newfound friend.

You walked to the park close to your hotel with a bounce in your step. Your first friend... who knew this feeling would be so nice?

A soft breeze blew by your face as you sat down on a park bench.

I suppose getting out once in a while is pretty fun. you thought, smiling down at your milk tea.

It took you a moment to realize you weren't alone. The melodical sound of a guitar snapped you out of your trance, and you looked over to your right.

On the bench next to you, you saw the boy with white hair that you had sworn to avoid.

You scoffed and stood up immediately. No way would you want to be near this guy... not after all the run-ins that you two have had.

But, as you began to walk away, the calm voice from this morning stopped you in your tracks.

"Please... wait! There's something I need to ask you..."

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