• chapter seventeen •

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At first, it was just dark. You opened your eyes to see nothing but an endless black room, and an invisible floor on which you stood. You felt a shiver run down your spine. The silence was way too loud for your liking.

Just then, you heard the echoes of footsteps far ahead of you. With an inkling of hope, you called out into the void, "Hello, is there someone there?" only to receive no response to your question.

You ran after the sound of the echoing footsteps, tripping a little bit as you ran. When a figure came into view, you ran a little faster. However, you slowed down in horror when you realized that the footsteps were coming from none other than Kaedehara Kazuha. His back was turned to you as you kept walking, so you couldn't see his face.

"Kazuha!" you cried out, continuing to stumble as you made your way towards him. "Oh archons, I'm glad its you! I'm sorry for everything, I truly am..."

Kazuha paused, and your voice faded away. He turned slowly towards you, and you recoiled back when you saw the state of his face. The bags under his eyes were deep, dark, and a little swollen as if he had just been crying. His hair had come out of his ponytail, and his normally shiny ivory locks were lank and hanging down on his shoulders. He did not smile when he saw you.

"What the hell do you want, Y/N?" Kazuha's voice came out in a deep, cold, mutter. "I thought you said yourself that weren't coming to see me? Why are you crawling back now?"

"It was a mistake on my part, it really was!" you exclaimed. "Please understand...!"

"A mistake?" he said incredulously, the tone of his voice rapidly rising in volume. "Don't make me laugh. And besides, why should I understand your reasoning, out of all people? It's your fault that you're such a low-life."

You were suddenly stopped in your tracks. "Kazuha...?"

"You heard what I said." he spat bitterly. "You don't know how it is to be an idol. Unlike me, you can't even stand people knowing your name and your ugly face... ha, how pathetic."

"I hate you, Y/N."

"Kazuha..." you started, tears stinging your eyes. "You... you don't really mean that, do you?"

"I wouldn't lie to you, Y/N." he said, an evil grin adorning his face. "If you disgust me so much, why shouldn't I be truthful about my thoughts?" Storms were swirling in his crimson red eyes, and as he walked towards an open door, you could barely move your legs.

"That article was right." Kazuha said, a poisonous tone lacing his every word. "You are an embarrassment, Y/N L/N. You're disgusting. You're a liar. You're a terrible friend. I never want to seen with you ever again."

You finally regained your sense of movement as Kazuha disappeared behind the door. Floods of tears flowed down your cheeks as you ran towards the door, shouting apologies all the way.

Just as you reached the door, it slammed in your face, and you fell on your knees before it, weeping.

"Please! Kazuha! I'm sorry! Please don't leave me here!" you sobbed, banging on the door.

But no matter how much you cried and pleaded, the door would never open again, leaving you alone with the echoes of your banging knocks...


"Y/N L/N! Open... Up... This... Stupid... Door!"

You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. Was that encounter with Kazuha all a dream? How relieving... but that was really painful all the same...

You jolted up from your bed when a loud banging came at the door once more. You tried ignoring it, hoping whoever was knocking so absurdly loudly would get the hint and just go away. But alas...

desire ~ k. kazuha idol auWhere stories live. Discover now