• chapter fourteen •

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Your heart soared as Kazuha's crimson eyes gazed into your own. The elation in your heart was too strong to comprehend, and up until this moment, you hadn't known that you needed someone like this in your life.

To avoid furiously blushing and turning into a tomato, you decided to tease Kazuha a bit.

"Ooh~" you fake cried, placing your hand to your forehead like a damsel in distress. "Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name-"

"O bright angel, speak no more of such a tragedy! Nothing can keep me away from thine eyes and thy beauty, which have awakened my love for you." Kazuha interrupted softly as he stepped into your hotel room, still gently taking ahold of your hand.

Kazuha playing along with your game was the least that you would expect. But the words he used... they just made you heat up and go as red as the streak in his hair.

The room went silent as you tried dispersing your embarrassing thoughts of Kazuha's most recent sentence. When he looked at you, worry evident in his eyes, you cleared your throat and mumbled, "Well, uhm. You're here early."

"Punctuality is a trait that all good idols must have. And also, you look beautiful, Y/N." Kazuha said kindly. Behind the sweet expression on his face, you could practically see him wincing at his ear being pulled by Faruzan... again. That was probably why he changed the subject to you, huh?

Stifling a giggle, you motioned to the door. "Thank you." you said in appreciation. "Let's go, shall we?" you continued, silently itching to get going.

Kazuha bit his lip. "Well you see... I don't really want to go that way. The lobby's full of fans right now for a hotel meet-and-greet... Aether's covering for me while I'm gone."

Your mouth dropped open, giving away the honest shock that had just hit you like a brick wall. "How are we going to get to Inazuma?" you wondered aloud.

"For starters..." he said, "we'll have to get out through the window. Inazuma's just a twenty minute walk from here. Do you need to change your shoes? Or are you already comfortable with what you're wearing?"

"Nope." you said quickly. But when you looked down from your second story window, you gulped nervously. As the ground spun before your eyes, you asked dizzily,"How will I get down safely though?"

Kazuha didn't respond to your question and simply jumped out the window, much to your shock. When you peered down at the floor below, you noticed that he had landed safely on his feet. From the way he landed, it almost seemed like he had flown for a second.

"Oh, yeah, you're so kind." you shouted down angrily. "And how about me, you jerk?"

The sound of a soft chuckle drifted up to your window as Kazuha held out his arms. WIthout a change of expression, the young idol called up, "Jump! I'll catch you!"

For a split second, you wondered if he was crazy.

But then you shook it off. You stepped up onto the window ledge, teetering precariously (and dramatically) as you looked down to the floor below. That concrete did not look like a nice place to land on and break a bone.

Oh Archons. you thought in fear. Rex Lapis, don't you dare fail me now.

You shut your eyes tight and hopped off the ledge. The air started whistling in your ears as you clenched your fists and curled into a ball. However, before you had a chance to scream, you landed in Kazuha's arms as he caught you... bridal style.

For the third time this evening, you thought you were going to turn red. The feeling of Kazuha's arms around your delicate body was strong, but gentle all the same. The soft feel of his arms made you feel safe, and for a minute, you were seriously considering snuggling up in them and staying there for hours.

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