• chapter six •

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The next days passed by quite uneventfully. Whenever you came to sit on the rooftop for a lunch break, Kazuha would always be there, waiting for you with his guitar. It was just you and him. Nobody else.

He always had a different song to play whenever you came. Some of them evoked feelings from you that you didn't even remember feeling before, and you found yourself enjoying his presence even more. This was ironic, since you were the one that started the 'hateful' relationship between the two of you.

There was one day where Ayaka had decided to walk up to the roof with you this time for lunch. She was holding three lunches from a very expensive cafe, as yesterday you had told her that you were 'meeting someone on the rooftop'.

"So, what's your friend like?" Ayaka asked curiously, swinging the bags of lunch in her hand. "You said he likes music and always carries around a red guitar... how interesting that you remember that much detail. It's cute, even."

Although your cheeks went slightly pink at her statement, you kept your voice even as you asserted, "It's not what you think, Ayaka. We just ran into each other one day, and although I did hate him a little bit at first, he was persistent and we eventually became friends."

You looked away, feeling uncomfortable under Ayaka's silence and scrutinizing gaze. You fingered the dried yellow flower in your pocket as you waited for a response from your blue-haired friend.

"Awww~" Ayaka suddenly cooed, to which you responded with an annoyed shove to her shoulder after snapping out of your daze.

"I told you already, it's nothing romantic!" you shrieked. Your cheeks were reddening so much, you felt like you were about to turn into a tomato.

"Sure." she giggled, keeping her teasing demeanor. You began to bicker with her and yell as you two walked up the stairs.

After a while, you and Ayaka made it to the rooftop. When you opened the door, you heard a familiar voice call your name.

"Hello Y/N!" Kazuha had called with a kind smile. When he saw you and Ayaka, he stopped waving and asked, "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, hello, Kazuha," you replied fondly, raising your hand in a quick wave. "This is Kamisato Ayaka," you added, gesturing to her.

Kazuha nodded, and moved his guitar on the bench to make room for the two of you to sit down. You started forward, but Ayaka suddenly gripped your hand so you couldn't move.

"I've just remembered." she said quickly. "I forgot something in Y/N's hotel room and I need her to come with me to unlock her door."

And she dragged you off, leaving a confused Kazuha behind.

But she didn't bring you to your room, like you thought. She instead brought you to an isolated hallway. In your panic, you asked Ayaka, "What's the matter?"

"'What's the matter' is that you didn't tell me that your friend here was Kaedehara Kazuha from 5WIRL!" she whispered indignantly. "Aside from Xiao and Scaramouche, he's the most reclusive out of the six, so it's a miracle how you two became friends!"

"Don't be weird, Ayaka." you said awkwardly, pushing her face gently away from yours. "I mean, I know he's an idol, but what could go wrong? And who even are Scaramouche and Xiao?"

"Media." she said simply, ignoring your last question. When your face went blank, she continued, "I mean that, if you two are ever seen together, the media will be all over it. News sites, independent vloggers... you name it. They'll all be out to interview you two or, even worse, twist the story into something embarrassing."

"You speak of this like you have experience." you said.

"Well, I do." Ayaka murmured, shuddering and going slightly pink at the thought. "Since I'm the sister of a very well known businessman, naturally, the news was all over it when I was seen at a café with my friend, Thoma. He and I couldn't go outside for weeks without being mobbed by reporters after the article about us supposedly 'dating' came out."

"So," she said firmly, "Make sure that you don't let down your guard when around Kazuha. I know he's a nice guy, but it's not him I'm worried about-its the outsiders. Now let's go back, we don't want to leave Kazuha waiting."

Yikes... you thought, as Ayaka dragged you back up to the rooftop again. Ayaka's scary when she's angry... but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. I'm not that well known enough to be seen on the news, so I think I can slip by just fine.

When you and Ayaka went back up to the roof, Kazuha was still there, waiting for you two. He was absentmindedly tuning his guitar, but his face lit up as soon as he saw you two appear.

"Did you find what you needed in Y/N's bedroom?" he asked Ayaka.

"Oh... the thing I was looking for ended up not being in Y/N's room. I might just check her lab later." Ayaka said smoothly, not saying anything about your previous conversation.

"So," she said, changing the topic, "You're Kaedehara Kazuha, right? Y/N has told me a bit about you, and I've watched some of your concerts on the television as well."

"Yes, I am." he smiled. "And, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Y/N say you are Kamisato Ayaka? The talented younger sister of Kamisato Ayato, who is the owner of Inazuma Commissions Company?"

"That's right. And as for talented... you flatter me, Kaedehara." she replied casually, taking out the lunches from earlier. And then, turning to you, she said, "Y/N, I know we haven't really gotten the time to get to know each other on a personal level. After all, we just became friends a few days ago... so, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?"

This felt suspiciously like an interview. You gulped nervously, trying not to make eye contact with Kazuha nor Ayaka. After deciding to stare firmly at your shoes, you hesitantly replied, "Well... I'm originally from Inazuma, and I assume you already know that I work for Teyvat International's Alchemy Branch. My badge says it all."

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Kazuha said. "I'm originally from Inazuma as well, but I have traveled all over Teyvat."

"My brother and I are also from Inazuma!" Ayaka added.

"Hm, what a small world, isn't it?" you giggled, taking a bite out of your sandwich. "We're all from Inazuma, traveling for some kind of work, ha!"

When you said this, Ayaka began to giggle and Kazuha started stifling some soft chuckles. You started going red in the face as you wondered aloud, "What's so funny? Was it something I said?"

"Kind of," Kazuha began, clutching his stomach as he tried to breathe. As he wiped a small tear from his eye, he continued, "It's just that you were exactly on point with your inference. You're such a smart girl, Y/N."

You didn't know why, but when Kazuha complimented you, a gentle, yet warm feeling began rising in your chest.

Nobody has ever spoken so nicely about you before... not even behind your back. So why was Kazuha so kind to you now? He's even a famous idol... so why would he ever compliment you like that, when your talents surely might be nothing to him?

But then you swatted away the confusion and odd feelings. You settled down when you smiled at Kazuha and Ayaka, and they smiled back.

I suppose it's just a side effect of the joy of having new friends... you thought. Oh, I still have so much to learn, but I'm happy with what I already have.

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