• chapter twelve •

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Time seemed to fly when you were alone with Kazuha in the courtyard. Every afternoon, before the sun set, he came back with a different romantic song that always made you feel so sweet inside.

Before you knew it, you two had been getting together after work for a whole month. The winter chill had started melting away to make room for spring, so you and Kazuha stopped bundling up so much every time you met outside.

However, with the change of the weather, it also seemed that Kazuha was getting more shy around you by each day that passed. He would constantly break eye contact with you, and he would avoid some topics that you brought up.

This bothered you significantly. You were friends, so why was he increasingly quieter around you?

You decided to bring it up one afternoon after he finished writing some sharps and flats on a note sheet.

"Umm..." you muttered, clearing your throat. When Kazuha looked up from his orange notebook, you murmured, "Kazuha, I feel like you've been hiding something from me over the past few days. You've been talking to me less and less lately, paying attention to only your note sheets or guitar or whatever. If there's something you want to tell me, spit it out. I'm not the kind of person who gets ignored and plays it off lightly."

"O-oh." he said, his voice faltering. "I'm really sorry if it seemed that way to you Y/N... are you mad at me again?"

"Oh no, you misunderstood." you mumbled, folding your arms over your chest. "I just wanted to know if there was something wrong, or...?"

Kazuha sighed in relief. "No, there's nothing wrong, Y/N..."

When he hesitated again, you had to take a deep breath to control your temper. "Kazuha, I just want to know what's going on. If it's something that difficult to share, I get it; just don't ignore me."

"Okay..." he murmured. "Well you see, I've been thinking about my upcoming concert that's set to be in the spring, during cherry blossom season. I believe I've told you about it once, no?"

"Oh yeah, you mentioned it once before." you said. "So what about it?"

"I... well, I..." he began. He seemed to be choking on his words, and he looked quite fearful as you looked at him expectantly.

Suddenly, the two of you jumped at the sound of a door slamming open. Kazuha was the first one to spin around, and he instantly paled in the face and let out an awkward chuckle.

When you turned around, you couldn't tell if the sight was terrifying or amusing.

A short woman with pale green pigtails and a stained glass-patterned dress was marching towards you both. Not giving any acknowledgement to you, she took Kazuha's ear and pulled him to his feet.

"Kaedehara Kazuha!" she shouted. "I understand that you are an independent young idol and need your time off. But you do not have the right to leave me and your bandmates waiting for an hour to start rehearsal!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Madam Faruzan..." he groaned, clutching his ear as she pinched it tighter. Kazuha was only a bit taller than Faruzan, but it looked like her pulling his ear was the most painful thing.

"Your girlfriend can wait! Let's go, let's go!" she said briskly. She walked away, still holding Kazuha by his ear.

When your eyes met, he looked at you with a pained smile and you smiled back weakly. Once he disappeared from sight, you were left alone to wonder what Kazuha was so hesitant to tell you about...


The evening time found you lying on your bed in a daze, just absently staring at the ceiling.

desire ~ k. kazuha idol auWhere stories live. Discover now